Wednesday, January 16, 2013

632 - relaxing day

Day 632, hooray I got sleep, at least until 7 so at 8 I got up to find Darren up as well. We each made a hot beverage and read. Simple toast breakfast and local coffee for the rest, tea for me was enjoyed when Sharon and Sheldon got up. Mom sent an email that Dad had an accident, injuring his finger in an end gate at work. He will require surgery next Tuesday :( Hope you are doing OK Dad, hugs from us in St Lucia, love you.

Mid morning, we loaded up our beach bags and ventured down to Anse Chastanet beach. And by ventured I mean...walked down the goat trail in the lovely yet again 28 degrees!! The beach was a lovely but busy beach as many snorkel and scuba tours came in and out. Sheldon went out alone to snorkel then Darren joined him. He saw a few very colourful fish he has never saw before! Sharon and I waded in the warm ocean and we all walked the beach to check it out.

We decided to eat at the restaurant there, surprisingly it was as pricey as New Zealand, our tab came to 260 EC which was $100. for 3 beer, a water and 4 burgers, no side only the burger!! fries were another 5 and to top it off they add 10% gratuity and 8% tax.. yikes. Needless to say we just had a drink and burger there. Anse Chastanet however is owned by Nick, a German fellow who also owns Jade Mountain right above it too. Lowest price room is 1075/night US or 2950 highest, with the same views as our place. Apparently the Biebs was there not long ago as was Kanye and Kim,no wonder the prices are high! LOL

We checked the art shop and toured the grounds before making our way up the hill. The security fellow thought it might take us an hour to get back up after the 15 minute walk down but we got lucky and a van of locals offered us a ride for 1/3 of way cutting it to 20 minutes.

Back at the villa, our housekeeper Berthia was starting our local supper and did it smell good. We were hot and dusty and all hit the pool, my first time actually in! I grabbed us the last of the cold Piton beers then mixed us up the last of the spiced rum. It was white and coconut rums left for the night. It worked out not bad as tomorrow am we checkout and move north.

I skyped with Asher and Amanda, showing him the fish in our moat and the boats at see. Amanda enjoyed the island views I am sure.

The traditional supper feast we had around 4:30 was fantastic!! She made chicken in curry and turmeric sauce, spinach rice, garden salad with cucumber tomatoes and corn, lentils in a sauce, fresh green figs (which is actually green bananas) and tari root (ground provision), mixed vegetables which included carrots, cabbage, crystal finn and string beans as well as a plate of fried plantain with sugar. what a meal!!

After a quick cleanup, Berthia was headed home. I skyped with Kaylin checking in our her job interview at Sephora today and finding out about her snow boarding day at Lake Louise Yesterday. I gave her a video tour of the place as well which is fun. Technology is an amazing thing.

This am Shaina posted her bungy jump, whew that was a big jump! In the evening we chatted, she said it was fairly scary! check it out on Facebook if you can. She is busy fitting in fun with riding and this weekend has a big polocrosse tournament including a fancy intermediate tourny. I believe it is the youth nationals or something like that.

We spent the evening playing cards heading to bed to read and me update the blog about 9:30.The days are dark early but seem so long with so much action packed into a day. It is now 10:30 pm, over and out, time for me to read too. :-)

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