Saturday, January 5, 2013

621 - sunshine saturday

Day 621 I had my wake up call from the vet clinic reminding me Lexi had shots Monday :-/ Oh well, it was a lovely sunny day to be up by 9.

Britt was feeling a bit better but stayed in bed longer. Sheldon and I loaded up and headed to town at 11 dropping trash at the dump before hitting town. First stop was to tan for a few minutes then drop microwave at the rental. The new tenant offered to install himself which was handy. Of course the bright sunny day was still chilly so next stop was a steaming chai tea. Sheldon grabbed a couple things at formerly Totem, now Rona then is was off to grab a parcel at the bus.
It was a keypad cover combo for the ipad I was waiting for. Deposit Shaina's last check I picked up at the bank and drop and pickup books at the library rounded out our list of shores before we journeyed back to the ranch by 12:30.
The afternoon was spent taking down the rest of the Christmas decorations, sorting the boxes and replacing the boxes in the storage room then re normalizing the main floor. Sheldon finished his work on the coffee table.

Kaylin dropped Lexi off for the weekend so she could drive Aaron to Edmonton to enjoy some time together before he heads to work from there .
Blogging and supper occupied the rest of the afternoon . I created a very healthy supper of chicken, green salad and sweet potatoes trying to get the new year back on the health wagon.
A quick Skype with Shaina had us laughing with this story. She is at her next home in New Zealand, a family with three little boys (7,5&3) and baby girl (1). She lives in her own guest house and her wake up call today was the boys throwing water balloons at her windows! Later as they were watching a movie she asked the little girl if she was eating pudding and the 5 year old said "its not called pudding. You just call it that cuz you don't know much words aye!" Sounds like this place will have a few stories.
 amazing skies, mountains were very bright all day

Just before seven, Sheldon and Britt went to town for her to cover her job just for the wheat kings game. he stopped at Paetz's for a beer while waiting for game to start. Travis arrived while he was there with his new puppy.
I stayed home to puppy sit, catch up on PVR Nashville shows, have a bath and then scrub the tub! Good times! I sent a picture of TJ puppy to Britt and of course on the way home from work she wanted stopped to see him but Sheldon said it was too late as 10:30.

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