Wednesday, January 9, 2013

625 - snow is back

Day 625 was a warm but windy chinook day. Britt and I were off as usual. I only worked the morning today as I had more at home to do to prepare for our trip and less at work. Before I came home I gave the enclave a nice auto bath!

Once home, I booked hotel room for our sleepover on way home from St Lucia in Toronto, ordered more supplements, did laundry, put a roast in the oven, updated the blog, organized some tours in St Lucia via phone, cleaned the kitchen and so much more. I do work better under pressure apparently

Travis said he named the puppy.. Diesel is his name. very cute! Shaina's 4-H book finally found its way home along with her cash prize $20 from districts. It went all the way to provincials
We enjoyed the rib roast and fixings for supper before finishing off PVR shows. No word form Shaina today, guess they are preparing for the tournament as it is Thursday there. They are forecasting snow for tonight and as the temperature drops from plus 5 when I came home to minus 6 at 7 pm they may be right.

The snow did arrive around 10 along with the days wind still in full force! yuck However it did not accumulate much just blew around and drifted.

Here is Shaina's update of her day today (her Thursday) I received early our Thursday morning.
woo yay 20 bucks for my acct today went over to girls more my age house it was lots of fun. the ones who cody is staying with and a guy whos is sam darmondys friend, his name is wayne he's hilarious. so it was lots of fun riding 14 of their 20 some horses!!! thye have a fun house. all three sister ride and play polocrosse. oldest is 17, then 13, then 11. we wentout for lunch in town and i had a yummy wrap. for like 15 bucks... then unfortunately had to go back to satans childrens house where i rode 2 more of the 3. thats five horses today for about an hour each, my bums sore"

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