Sunday, January 20, 2013

636 - quiet Sunday, wow

Day 636 I was up at my usual 8 but no one else was. Odd to have such a quiet house but it is Sunday. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher while making a cup of chai and enjoyed it sitting in the cool breeze updating the blog and reading. No plans for today so will see what the group decides once up.

I am waiting to hear Dad's specialist results for surgery tuesday. He seems him today at 9 which is not until our noon time. Fingers crossed it will just be the pin and repair.

The rest got up soon after 9 and Darren and Sharon beetled down to Rituals for breakfast omelet and jumbo coffee to start their day. Once Sheldon had an instant coffee in him and applied his sunscreen we too ventured down. I enjoyed my spiced chai latte and he a pomegranate blueberry smoothie. We were back to the condo by 10 where Sheldon played rest, I cruised St Lucia on trip advisor and the Stouts packed up to go to Pigeon Island. We bowed out not wanting to hike in todays super humid heat.

Instead we cooked up a fried egg with piece of toast and headed out on a walk about. To the beach where 2 huge sail ships were docked out, one had 5 masts and the other 4 was first stop. Of course Sheldon had to dunk himself in the ocean then we walked the 2 mile beach heading to Happy Day bar at the marina. Sadly once we arrived it was closed like many other stores and restaurants on Sunday.

Our trek back to the condo was quite warm and required a dip in the pool before we came in for a refreshment. Reading time enjoying the breeze on the harbor side grass rounded out the next hour or so. We also enjoyed a few online games till batteries needed to be charged. The little battery operated beach dock is fun to have.

Darren and Sharon were back around 2:30. They showered up after there tour then enjoyed a nice visit. We had another yummy refreshment Sheldon blended up this one he added a fresh mango they bought from a fruit vendor in a boat. Just after 4 we skyped with Shaina where it was 9 am for her. She was having tea and cereal catching us up on her tournament weekend. She had quite a sunburn but the most obvious was her bruised nose and eye where she was hit with a racquet on the w/e. She said the swelling had gone done a ton. It is disappointing she does not get any pictures of her play but that is hard when she is there alone but I hope once she gets to Australia Terri will be able to snap a few for us to see. She enjoyed the  glow worm cave, she toured it in a black boat and said it was very neat. I think she said it was $130 but worth it. She missed a $110 trip that included a meal as it sold out just before. There is a new foal at her place but the mare is having issues, a vet is on its way. Fingers crossed it will come thru ok. She says the foal is very tiny but so cute.

Back in the cold (-17 Darren's phone said) Britt was heading to the first polocrosse indoor practice of the year. She did work last night and spent Friday night with Kaylin while Grama and Papa went to stage west.

We then went grocery shopping yet again. Sheldon had a plan for supper hoping to create pork chops in mushroom sauce with fried potatoes. Once we got to the market this plan changed as no pork on the shelves so he went with chicken. Back at the condo he started his creation adding corn on the cob to the menu. I tossed up a garden salad and supper was done. It was quite tasty Mr Kuhn.

After kitchen cleanup we all sat around very quiet each reading a book. A quick blog update and it was time for me to go shower off the humid sweat just after 8. I finished my first book, The Dressmaker of Khair Khana and started The Unwanted Wife reading till 11.It truly was a quiet Sunday in St Lucia.

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