Saturday, January 26, 2013

642 - first day home and riding :-)

Day 642 had me up by 8. Although I went to bed early and was asleep after 8, I awoke when Kaylin came home just before 12. I got up about half hour later as she left the office light on so grabbed a ryvita cracker too. At 3 am Diego had something bothering him and finally Sheldon let him out to patrol. He was very boisterous in his duty and carried on for about half hour before he was let back in the garage. At 5 I woke up again due to some drunk calling t6he wrong number not once but twice!! UGH this was not the deep sleep I anticipated but at least I could go back to sleep until just before 8.

I did read a bit before getting up but decided time was up. I started to unpack my suitcase then Sheldon got up and worked on his. I heard noise in Britt's room earlier but disregarded. She was up at 9 ready to roll! We had just poured a coffee and baileys when a text from Lesley came thru and in it said ok see you soon! Pardon, is practice not tomorrow?? Nope Britt was up by 9 and ready to catch horses! Holy.change of plans it was with practice starting at 11. Sheldon and Kaylin who was up by now but not happy about it asking what time zone we thought we were in, chowed down a homemade cinnamon bun for breaky. I quickly dressed and went to tack up horses with Britt who had them brushed. As we were mounting up to go Lesley text we needed Sheldon for numbers so he quickly caught a horse and off we went.
 Britt jumps on KD for a test ride, look at the mountains
 says she is good to go
 Lexi ventures out to see the horses.. she is clueless
 no idea large feet can squish her

 Britt and I ready to go, Sheldon joins us

We left about 10:30, Walking to practice in the crusty snow. Diego came along needing exercise but unlike the past when he would head home at the gate when asked this time he hid unbeknownst to us. As we continued to ride I would text Kaylin to see if he was back to the house. Finally I called her but my phone then died but once we arrived at RJ Ranch Britt called her. He did not return the bugger so Kaylin came over and Sheldon jumped in, Diego had crossed the highway and field and was at Matt's sidetracked by Oscar. They loaded him in my car!!! and took him back home.

At practice KD and Bird were full of vinegar carrying on like spring chickens that was until we had to work then KD became the slug of the year :-). Practice was fun, only 8 of us participated but it was fun to be back in the saddle. Practice finished at 1 and we headed home. The walk was faster for some like Bird and slower for others like KD.

Back home Britt made some food while I trimmed all 3 horses front feet. It was then time for a cold refreshment and for me a cinnamon bun for me and B. Sheldon wolfed down a jumbo bowl of soup and more left overs claiming so hungry.

By now it was about 2:40 and I had to get Britt to town stopping to get Diego's cartrophen before they closed at 3 then dropped her at work. Next stop was the mail which was piled high after 2 weeks and drop garbage at the dump before heading home. I gave Diego his shot once I was home.

At home, Sheldon and I opened mail which then found me doing accounting for a bit online until Kaylin got home from her tea house tour with Gail. We enjoyed nice visiting and relax time in front of a fire I started. Sheldon started the barbecue and potatoes then ran a bale out to the horses before returning to throw the steaks on. I made a fresh garden salad to go with it and the scrumptious supper was enjoyed while the TV blared the first hockey game of the season Sheldon has seen.

Kaylin headed for her apartment just after 7. By now I was bushed and after updating the blog in front of the fire I retired to my cozy bed to read. A second hockey game followed to Sheldon's enjoyment as he watched sitting by the fire. Sheldon ran to pick Britt up from work at 10:45 and was home by 11 crawling into bed  and asleep by 11:30. I read parts of a few of my books and searched the internet for farmhouse table photos for ideas until midnight.

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