Saturday, January 19, 2013

635 - Sunny Saturday in St Lucia

Day 635 I slept in.. till 9 :-) After a quick shower I started laundry. Darren and Sharon had left a pot of coffee and were out for a jog, how ambitious of them. Sheldon grabbed a coffee and hit the deck to read  some travel magazines.

Once they were back we all visited with a coffee and I tried to update the blog a bit as well as google some info. There is so much to see and do you want to be sure you get it all in while you are here.

Just after 11 it was time for a quick brunch of scrambled eggs, toast and beers. After 12, we loaded up to go down to the beach for a bit. Sheldon and I enjoyed the 4 mile walk finding an almond tree with sea grape tree as well growing right in it. By the time we arrived back to our towels we needed a cold Piton.

We arrived back at the condo just before 3. A cold drink and plunge in the pool was the next plan of attack. Back to the condo the Stouts went to rest, we enjoyed the sunshine on the spongy grass with a yummy rum and my ipod. It was very enjoyable and relaxing.

Just before 5we showered and got dressed up for supper. Sheldon is talking himself into the 32 oz. steak challenge at the restaurant we are heading too. It is called the Big Chef, if you can eat it you get a free t-shirt and a free 12 oz steak too. We will see what he does choose.

Once we left after 6, we talked to the nieghbors who live here 6 months of the year. They sugested the Fire grill instrad. We ventured out and after detouring under an umbrela for rain delay we found it to be a bit pricier than the Big Chef. We had talked about trying food local to the area rather than our local steak so went to Razamataz, and Indian food place. We were lucky to hit 2 for 1 drinks and supper and it was very good.

Two hours later we headed back to the condo. TV, blog update and technical time was the evening plans.

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