Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rental clean up starts

We enjoyed coffee with the Schmitts, with oatmeal for S and Chuck. They set off eastward around 10:30, with the east-blowing wind likely aiding their fuel efficiency. After watering my front planters, we packed Harley and drove into town. I stopped at the library to return a book, pay for my herbs, and pick up another oregano. At the post office, I dropped off a parcel. Next, we visited our rental property. Before the painter's arrival, S cleaned the sticky tiles, and we evaluated the space and projects required. They arrived around 11:30, and for the next hour and a half, we discussed potential changes to the property, the quotes we're interested in, and other details.

A drive-through at Tim's landed us a chicken rice bowl and an iced coffee. Harley joined us at the park to enjoy the meal, and then we picked up some groceries before going home. Once the groceries were stored, I went out to the raised garden. I started the soaker hose and hand-watered the three other boxes and garden planters. Meanwhile, Britt was trimming Beib's feet before she went to visit baby Basil. S packed up tools, a ladder, a pressure washer, and other items to take into town.

in the city the girls took Renn to a play place

At 3 PM, we returned and began working on the exterior of the rental property. S took on the weed eating the grass and raking, while I pruned the trees. Afterwards, we transported a truckload to the town's recycling center and then continued our work. He pressure washed the siding, and I trimmed the neighbor's lilacs and the rose tree that extended into our yard. We collected the trash and raked the piles of houseplant soil dumped randomly in the backyard grass, concluding our tasks just after 6 PM.

lots of overgrowth

and look how tall the trees are

Before and after first few hours of trimming. I need a picker truck to get the tops

just some of the plant tags and crap littering the backyard

We discarded the branches into the pit as we passed by after 6 pm. Dinner was steak with raw vegetables and a fresh salad, featuring spinach from the garden. Britt returned from visiting the foal just as we were eating. She caught Roo and prepared for a ride. After finishing my meal, I changed, caught Switch, and tacked up to join her. S spent the time relaxing and watching sports. The hour-long ride was pleasant, and thankfully, the wind helped keep most of the bugs away. I used my new grooming gloves, applied oil to Switch's hooves, and released her, opening the gate from the shop paddock to the middle one.

B returned home after securing Gully and loading Cooper. S and I indulged in a hot tub soak. Following our hot tub session and shower, we changed the sheets. I prepared a yogurt bowl for us, and we settled in to watch Netflix on fresh linens. Shaina departed for Ottawa with her 6:45 pm flight. She is now officially an Ontarian. We all send her our best wishes for her new adventure and eagerly anticipate her FaceTime calls and return visits. She will be back in exactly one month for the Stampede.

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