Sunday, June 9, 2024

Rental carpet removal continues

While enjoying my coffee in bed, I noticed Roo had removed her mask again. With my foot feeling a bit better, I texted B to inform her, preferring not to go out and retrieve it myself. S headed to church, and I dedicated the morning to uploading and watermarking photos and videos for Renn's birthday party blog post. Despite the dreary weather and laundry duties, I continued working on additional blog posts.

S returned before noon with tea and a donut, followed by Sharon close behind. She came to place Timba's tack in the tack room. After a brief chat, she assisted me in moving the horses to the house paddock. She crossed paths leaving with Britt, who was arriving around 12:15. There was sunshine, although the wind persisted and the temperature was only 14°C.

B was occupied with loading the manure she had previously scooped and hurried to the pit, then proceeded to blade the middle paddock and transport those loads to the pit as well. Two men arrived to provide a quote for grading the road shortly after B's arrival but ended up socializing and drinking beer with Sheldon, not departing until 1:30. Afterwards, S returned to cleaning the hot tub lid and securing it. He had earlier returned with the shop vacuum and used it to remove the mouse poop from the interior while Sharon was here.

Looking out into the house paddock I saw this, yet more of the measuring tape S mowed over.

Britt poop blading in the middle paddock

Today marks the 14th anniversary of Grandma W's passing, and tomorrow will be Grandma B's. We all sure miss them XOXO I picked fresh dill for drying/fresh, as well as spinach, while S connected the dump trailer. Shortly after 2 PM, we loaded Harley and headed to the rental. We threw out the carpets and the remaining underlay into the trailer. Next, we removed all the carpet grippers (called oddly enough smooth edge) from the main floor. I misted the roof with bleach several more times, but there was still no change. The stairs were next, requiring much more effort. After a break for a cold drink, we loaded the largest roll onto the back deck and made it home before 5 PM.


soooo many staples on the edges of the underlay on the steps

and this is not all the carpet and underlay as more in garage

In the garage the floor is disgusting with garbage ooze dried on but the water ban prevents the pressure washing of it so may have to scrape and mop

Back at the ranch, Britt was in the barn but soon started her search for Gully to head home. S returned to the rental. I fed Harley, completed the laundry, watered the indoor plants, and worked on three more blog days, including Shaina's birthday celebration. Britt couldn't find Gully; after searching everywhere on foot, she took the quad and sped around the property. She encountered Sharon, who was coming in at 6 to exchange saddles, get her fresh dill, and feed Timba. Finally, she discovered Gully in the mezzanine, much to her relief. She loaded him and Cooper and followed Sharon out.

drying fresh dill

I completed another blog post before heading out to weed the garden. While walking Harley, I encountered S coming up the lane. He mentioned that the bleached ceiling looks much improved now that it's dry. After showering, he had hotdogs for a late supper and then settled in to watch sports. Later, I returned to my blog work and ended the evening with some Netflix.

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