Saturday, June 22, 2024

Custom painting and hay cutting finished but not the rental renos

The clouds were dark to the south on a brief look at 4 am but sunny when Harley wanted out around 6:30. It was a beauty day ahead once coffee was on after 8:30. After his porridge and feeding cats soft food S was off to cut hay and I to the garage to work on the custom pieces.

Britt and her pets arrived just before noon while I was painting the dresser. She set off to ride, enjoying the vast open space. After applying the second coat to the dresser, I stepped out into the sunshine to harvest a few radishes for lunch. Then, I laid out and connected the soaker hose in the large garden. Although it's 23 degrees, it feels much hotter. I used the paddock blade to clear the last piles around the house field before S mowed it.

One of the purple sand cherry trees had a large dead branch, which was removed, as was a branch from another tree. S moved into the house paddock to cut the hay in there as the final task.

I was completing the hand-painting of the dresser's inner edges with an artist's brush when S returned from hay cutting at 2 PM. He had tacos and then took a shower. B tended to her horses, rinsed Cooper, gathered her cat, and left for Brooke's housewarming at 3 PM. I proceeded to hand-water the garden and run the large soaker hose again. The weeding here is a never-ending task. S headed to town before 3:30 PM to volunteer at the stampede's Clint Black concert.

so cute.. poor blind and deaf Lexi though needs to hone her baby's coming smell sense

I basked in the sunshine on the deck, reading, then did some additional pruning in the back flower bed. I popped in for a couple of tacos since my radishes were dwindling. Later, I caught up with Switch, and we enjoyed a delightful hour-long ride around the hay swaths. The weather was just perfect.

After releasing her into the distant paddock, I brought the dogs inside and dashed to town to check on the rental's progress. It was a huge disappointment; they hadn't worked today at all! Frustrated, I returned to the ranch and focused on the dresser. Afterwards, I tackled the rental's bathroom mirror. Dave swung by to pick up my keys for their place since B was still at Brooke's party. He also took Cooper back home with him.

missed this spill yesterday

this is the counter top!

and it seems the whole side of the door frame was removed yesterday so now have to source the exact profile and replace

After completing the mirror project, I returned to the distant paddock and donned Roo's mask. Then, it was time for a soak in the hot tub, followed by a shower, and finally, some relaxation in bed while watching Netflix. S arrived home at 10:30, made a grilled cheese sandwich, and then it was lights out for everyone.

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