Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2 house showings

I woke up at 6 am. The sun was shining, and there was no wind, setting the stage for a spectacular day with a forecast of 25 degrees. With a coffee in hand, I began reading the blogs. Shaina FaceTimed me after 7 to have coffee together. She's adjusting to the EST time change too.

S didn't wake up until after 9. His ankle was improving, yet he continued to hobble around all day. He enjoyed his porridge as I stepped out in my housecoat to water the planters and trim the dahlias. Then it was time for me to dress and go back outside to move a peony and do some weeding in the large garden. I've been transferring flower seedlings from the garden to the planters as they grow. Later, S and I searched through the sheds for items to discard in the dump trailer. We certainly found things to throw away. I was thrilled to discover a watering can, as the sprinkler head on my old one was broken. Unfortunately, mice had gnawed through the bottom! So, S removed the sprinkler head, and I plan to attach it to the new can somehow.

See the hole right at the bottom?? GRRRR

The temperature reached 20 degrees, so I removed Roo's mask following B's instructions. While tending to my garden, I deadheaded the fern leaf peonies and watered the others. Meanwhile, S was expecting a call with Harley ready to go along when an employee from Matt's team came to collect the quad, their own having suffered a motor blowout and ours being a temporary replacement until repairs are completed.

The Boysis family went out for lunch too

the strawberry balloons are still from her birthday party

S, H, and I headed to the dump to dispose of all the unpleasant rubbish along with other waste we had accumulated. Afterwards, we drove into town to pick up a load of gravel. Realizing it was noon, we stopped at Origins across the street for a brisket sandwich and a refreshing drink. A plus was that Harley could join us on the patio. We finished our meal quickly since I had customers scheduled to drop off items at 1 PM. Arriving just as they did, we led them to the garage. With four strong individuals, they swiftly unloaded the large dresser, mirror, and two nightstands, and were on their way in no time. The timing couldn't have been better.

The beautiful now 24 degree sunny day saw winds intensifying and dark clouds gathering. We're hoping for rain; it's much needed. The drawback of this lovely weather is that our grass is already scorching, and it's only June 11. Harley enjoyed a bison tail treat in the sunshine. S transported gravel to Matt's and unloaded it, also taking measurements to plan his chicken coop trailer pad. I moved the sprinkler to water the trees and continued weeding before our trip back to town. With the trailer attached, we seized the opportunity to haul a load of mulch. During our town visit, we also picked up Cooper. The temperature has climbed to 26 degrees, with intermittent sunshine and gusty winds.

Back at the ranch, I continued with the tree watering and further weeding. Weeds grow quickly even without water or care because they are highly resilient and have efficient root systems that absorb nutrients effectively. Why cant trees and planted plants do the same? Meanwhile, S went back to Matt's to do some gravel work. I took care of the accounting, and when S returned after 45 minutes, he assisted in filling in the missing spending information. Today, two individuals requested to view the condo; we scheduled one for 5:30 and the other for 6:00. After hastily feeding the dogs and loading the paint, we set off for town. The first visitor, a 71-year-old man, was searching for a small townhouse for himself and his wife, while the second, a younger man with a large dog, came with his mother and sibling. Both expressed interest, so we'll see what happens.

I had closed windows our house upon departure as the western skies darkened, yet only a mild drizzle and a fierce windstorm ensued in town only. After stowing the paint in the garage, we ventured to Mike's for beers and wings, only to discover it was karaoke night. The event seemed to attract an eclectic crowd on Tuesdays! Among the ten performers, one lady had a delightful voice. We departed and returned to the ranch by 8, where B had just arrived and was catching Roo. She rode and did horse things leaving at 10. I spent time working on blog posts, then went to bed to read, while S rested his ankle and caught up on sports and internet news.

this singer gave it his all.. and then some

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