Friday, June 14, 2024

Another busy rental day

The morning was bleak and bitterly cold; I woke up early again. Starting the day with coffee and videos on fixing cracked tiles, while S chatted with his Oiler friends about another defeat. Soon after, he dressed and left to help Matt position the chicken trailer by 8:30. Meanwhile, I worked on my blogs and did some laundry. S returned briefly at 10 to cut the rental stair edge piece, then left again when the trucker arrived to move the trailer. With the sun emerging and bringing warmth, I tended to the large garden, weeding and watering, transplanting a columbine, and hand-watering the raised beds before picking fresh spinach. Then, I continued to tidy up for the weekend's company. I filled the wood in the stair piece and sanded the first coat once it was dry.

in daylight the color combo, you like?

This damage was from another tenant who snuck in a puppy after be granted permission for an adult dog. Again this is why pets are not accepted at many rentals.

Just little girl and her dad out walking the dog :)

S returned at noon, opening a cold beer to unwind from the busy morning. Post-lunch, we hopped into the truck—no space for Harley—and headed to the rental. We removed the four light fixtures that I plan to paint, wood filled the stair edge wood, and gathered all the registers and cold air returns to take home for cleaning and painting. We also took down the remaining security pads, sensors, and the blind brackets in the master bedroom. Archer was dropped off after 2 PM but found entertainment with a friend a few doors away.

We moved the 42 boxes of vinyl (couple 1000 pounds) into the living room and the basement through the garage, which certainly counted as today's workout. And it was now 25 out too. With everything, including Archie, packed up, we left to collect Cooper at 3. A guy believed he had a spare fridge drawer; however, when we stopped by, it turned out to be at his workplace, so we followed him there to retrieve it. It's uncertain if it will fit, but the gesture was appreciated.

Back at the ranch, Archie was eager to play catch with Uncle Sheldon. He had brought his glove and a ball, just in case. He helped me find Sheldon's in the storage trailer while S took out the fireball so they could drive back to town for church. 

a little catch for the boys

For supper, I made spaghetti, a salad, and honey garlic sticks courtesy of Mom. Archie also got to open his belated birthday present. We played the game inside it while S took a shower. Afterwards, the guys headed to town in the loud Hot Wheels truck to meet someone whose wife wanted to see the rental at 5. Archie returned to his friends for a bit, then they all joined the church procession to the new church, with Archie as part of the banner group.

I managed to update the blog, posting entries for Tuesday this morning and Wednesday tonight, which nearly brought me up to date. Once the wind settled, I took the dogs for a loop outside. I caught Switch to trim her front hooves, then tacked her up for a pleasant ride along the laneway with the dogs. Britt arrived during my ride, with Cooper trailing behind her. 

B opened the gate to the house paddock, and I went to search for Roo's missing clear shoe. Fortunately, I quickly found it and returned it to her. I continued riding a little longer in the yard before dismounting and trimming Switch's back hooves. Britt had finished feeding her two and was in to replace the lost shoe. We groomed both horses, then I left Switch with Roo and headed inside at 9. I updated the blog and then settled in bed to watch the new season of Bridgerton. Sheldon returned from his church activities at 10:30, having stopped for a beer at Paetz's after dropping off Archie. The couple seems interested in the rental and mentioned they will look into financing on Monday. Fingers crossed that it works out.

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