Saturday, March 23, 2024

Spring decor comes out

Snowy Saturday in the country. Light snow fell all day. I posted the last vacation blog and yesterday so now all caught up!!.Once we got coffee and breakfast in it was time to get cleaning. Deep cleaning that is. The furnace floor is still damp so it will continued to dry but I hauled out the folding chairs I had scrubbed and had drying in the bath tub. The drain was slow so I got out the zip it. This solved the problem pulling out lots of hair. This led to zipping all sinks and tubs. S helped by scrubbing some sinks and toilets. I did our ensuite.

He went out to shovel the walks then pushed a bit of snow with the skid steer. He also rolled out the other half of the bale. Inside I changed out all the decor to my blues wiping all the surfaces and vacuuming. S brought the tall ladder in to wipe the gross fan blades. I washed the light glass too.

We had a bite to eat as late lunch. S took the skid steer to Matt's at 2 to do more consult and snow moving on this chicken coop project he has taken on. I continued my cleaning and changing out decor. I love to see a new look and pop of turquoise everywhere. B and Cooper were out to feed at 3 and off within the hour. S was back after 4 as the brownies I had in the oven were ready to come out.

Hockey of course dominated the sports channel but was kept in the background on mute. I had started Lessons in Chemistry on Apple TV while baking and restarted it for S to join in. We watched 2 episodes in the kitchen while I cooked up our tasty chicken quinoa plate. Brownies for dessert.

We then moved to the comfy bed to watch a couple more episodes on the big screen. They changed a few things from the book but it is good and S likes it so bonus. This was till his Flames played at 8. I played the TimHorton's word search game to work my brain. After their defeat he caught up sports highlights and off to sleep. I read some of my book before lights out.

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