Friday, March 1, 2024

Mar 1 Snow day

It is March 1st already! Snow fell softly all day. It was back to -12 cold. I made tea (coffee free for the week already) and started coffee for the prince. Toast and an orange were my breakfast. It was back to packing last things for our trip. Be darned if I can find my travel shampoo and conditioner. Looking everywhere had me sorting and organizing at least. I jumped in the shower seeing not able to have one before we leave as getting lashes today.  S had me put a different type of nair on his back. Yesterday’s shower version did not work. It just smelled up the room. Today’s version did not work and left his back red and sore. NO MORE NAIR!! Aloe burned too so tried cornstarch that helped ease the ouchiness.

He cooked up eggs potatoes and toast today for a brunch meal. Then he was back to perusing the old taxes and other online news.

Renn loves her tunnel

Today we were off to town before 11:30. I was too slow to eat an early lunch and starving on way in. Luckily after dropping S at the arena I found a frozen nut bar in the truck door. I headed to my lash appointment. The lash gal is a school friend of Kaylin’s so the 2 1/2 hours went very fast with a catchup. Brittany picked up Sheldon from hockey and took him to her condo to help with repairs. I ran to Walmart and Dollar store to grab aloe and shampoo containers. I picked S up at B’s as Dave was arriving home with snacks.

At the ranch we had salad as I was hungry (and some chips :) and a cold beverage. I put a roast in the instant pot, dealt with another inaccurate bill and finished up and published the stool tutorial. It then needed to be emailed, shared and put on spreadsheets. Trying to finish up biz stuff before we depart. I also continued the search for airport to hotel transportation.

Shaina's relaxing view <3

S carved the roast while I cooked air fries. B arrived to feed Bird then Dave arrived too joining us for supper. They then loaded boxes from her bedroom in both vehicles and headed back to the condo. S scrubbed up pots while I did blog. They were back later to get Cooper and head back to Grady’s for their last night there. B also had chores to do. We had a yogurt bowl before heading to bed to watch more Car Masters.

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