Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day

Sleep is overrated it seems with yet another crappy sleep being up in night to let H out and to garage then not going back to sleep and awake after 7:30 so played a few brain games till S woke and got the coffee on. After feeding H I put a coat of primer on the pot that the spray paint lifted on awhile back as I need more pots. 

While out there I tried the interface pads for the sander and was very disappointed Rather than conforming to the profile it flattened the edges! I called the company and they have the sponges type that do that but only on the round ones with no plans create them for the rectangular one. Well this changes things as That was my whole intent along with getting in corners. But not at that $$ and be damned if I did not sell my old rectangular ones.

I headed to the city at 11 arriving to Lee valley first to return the pads and the $205 hose I did not need as vacuum came with one. However on the drive in I decided to return it all and look into the original sander I wanted from USA. Next stop was Costco to meet the lady to pick up the dresser at noon. This went easily then into Costco for my returns and shopping list.

It was then onto Winners to return the tops I found in the car that were to be returned last year! I grabbed a couple things there and ran next door to Home Sense and grabbed a mattress cover and off. I picked up my 15 yr anniversary band at Spence that was not resized due to the inflated quote.

My podiatrist appointment was next at 2. His recommendation to my arthritic right foot big toe was surgery. It will require day surgery, 6 weeks in an air cast and no driving then physio. I added myself to the September wait list.

My last stop in my planned route was to a jeweler to get sizing quotes. He found the Spence ring had 1 or more chipped diamonds and they never even cleaned it - BOO Spence. He also found the claws on my wedding ring most gone. It stayed to be resized, repaired and re-rhodiumed and will pick up Friday.

I was back at the ranch at 4 where S was relaxing after his hockey day. I loaded in the groceries and put away as he put his phone in the new Otterbox that arrived super fast from the States. He began prepping his meats and mixed up 2 salads while I fed H then got her raw food order done. 

Supper was good especially since I had nothing to eat today and just a coffee this am and can of diet pop on way to Calgary and even better that I did not have to make it. It also came with a flower bouquet. S was pleased with his jumbo stack of full size chocolate bars in his gift bag I left him too. 

After supper S tidied up while I went and fed Bird and walked Harley. A hot tub was next as the sun set but clouds blocked the sunset. Rinse and I went to work on blog and found I had an Etsy sale for the shelf!!  YEAH!!

S text from the  TV room a valentine movie was on. I made a beverage but when went to garage for coke I saw I had the second coat of primer to put on the pot so did that before mixing. I finally made it down to the show working on the blog during commercials.

I thought Mom had dropped an ice cream cake off today for Dad's birthday but S says I sure think some of that cake would be tasty. Then he explains it was a Valentine's gift for us, THANK YOU Mom and Dad!! So I went and cut us a piece to enjoy while watching the Valentine movie.

After the show ended at 9 S watched hockey and I came up to read. I actually quit reading the Forgiveness book now half way thru. It is all about war and that easily loses my attention. I read a bit of my other library book then shut out the lights early. S was into bed not long after and off to sleep.

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