Friday, February 17, 2023

City run

H continues her 4:45 request for bathroom break and to the garage and I continue waking after 7:30. Once up we had our coffee and a morning chat to plan out the day. S tried his overnight oatmeal I made him but was not a fan of the frozen banana. I did my marketing and S his online peruse.

S went out to scoop poop on the driveway while I went and gave Bird her food. While she ate I put a second coat of blue green on the table. I loaded up the Festool sander and vacuum to return.

We had salad for lunch with S adding headcheese to his plate. We were off to the city after 1 stopping in Langdon for a chai tea for the ride. First stop was to return the Festool products which took awhile so S sat in car with his tea and plus 4 sunshine. Then we stopped at the jeweler to pick up my ring. It looked amazing and ready for 30 more years.

We then were off to Bowness area for Sheldon's appointment. I drove 6 minutes up the hill to the girls house. K was on the phone with a friend so I played with the energetic Beans till she was done. She kindly did my sugaring and I was on my way back to Sheldon. 

It was now just after 4 and our supper reservations were for 5:45. I called and they moved us to earlier. We arrived to The Nash just after 4:30 getting the first seating times. I ordered mussels and S a burger. As we were finishing the place was filling up, of course as it is Friday in the city. Thanks for the recommendation Nathan, we will go again. It is a unique place in an old hotel for sure.

On our way home we swung thru town for fuel. We arrived back at the ranch after 6:30, I fed H while S put the cats away then down to TV room. I wrote a Hometalk post for the raised wall art then one for the cacti cup and saucer. Then yet another post for the charcoal mens valet, seems I am way behind on these posts. I crawled into bed after 8 to watch Outlander then read a bit of my new book Think Like A Monk.

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