Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Snow and cold!!

 I woke just after 7:30 and went to push coffee button as Mom got in the tub. It is still softly snowing and -15 out but no wind so feels warmer. Coffee and porridge for S and Mom then he went out to push snow to clear the road after 9. Mom and I visited until she was off after 9:30. Time for marketing for me.

I wrote up a Hometalk post for the teal jewelry box. Timba has finally ventured out of the barn paddock to inspect the shelter then made his way out to the herd at the hay. There was a dance of horses checking each other out then the herd raced back to the barn paddock to see what he was eating while T stayed eating hay. I went out and fed beet pulp with the herd going back to stand at the shop and T at the rolled out hay.

S was in from shoveling and pushing snow, we had lunch then he loaded up his skate bag and off to town after 12. I worked on sorting photos on my computer and working on tutorials. I took a break to sage smudge the house that I had been planning since new years.. only 2 months late ;) The snow fell off and on throughout the day.

S was home at 4:30 as I was feeding H with a tea and groceries which I put away and enjoyed my tea while doing accounting. He headed out to push more snow that had blown over the road. I cooked up a yummy recommended by AJ instant pot loaded potato & bacon soup. Of course it took a bit longer then I planned so we ate late before 7. It is now -20 and dropping, BRRR, good day for soup.

I headed to bed before 8 to read my book and do worksheets. Mom did not arrive back from Sagewood until after 9:30. She visited with Sheldon who was still watching hockey then off to bed.

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