Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Sanding and scrubbing

I was awake early with a headache, perused IG, started the coffee and fed H. With my first cup I got the blog published and yesterdays finished. S was up later getting his coffee cup then having porridge at the crack of 10. My focus today was getting the garage cleaned and tidy for Thursdays paint class. S took the cat food and box of bottles to the shop when he let cats out. I got his phone set up with a temporary number with SIM card picked up last night so he is good till his number is released. Garage laundry was underway too. I continued sanding the side table, another project that seems to be taking forever. Some fellows popped out to pick up all the packing boxes.

He was off for town before 1 for shinny. He is also meeting a fellow after that he is selling an old tire too so he took it along too. He will also stop at B's to check her thermostat and pick up a dining table. I came in for a bowl of oyster soup then ventured out to feed Bird. Her blanket along with buckets I scrubbed up were moved to the barn while she ate. It is overcast but plus 6 out and things are melting. More laundry swapped, folded and put away etc. I scrubbed up the kids table and did repairs. I may work on it during the paint class.

hmmm this little chair??

Now on to the huge shelf in the garage. This will take awhile. S arrived home after 4 as I was sorting, vacuuming and scrubbing the big shelving unit; so much stuff again we are blessed with. I finished up the shelf organizing and in at 5:30. Now to catch up marketing and such before supper. S had a bowl of soup and after my computer work posting many items for sale I had another bowl, soup day for me it is :) He watched sports and looked thru this old phone pictures then went for a hot tub. I worked on catching up the blog and accounting before heading to bed to read. This time I really got into the story and read til 12:30 finishing half the book.

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