Friday, February 24, 2023

MINUS 32 to start the day!!

MINUS 32 upon waking but a beauty sunrise, B was up and starting her car at 7:45. I got coffee on and she and I had a short visit before she was off to her condo after 8. She is trying to catch a notorious mouse but no luck. Her new tenants are doing walk thru and getting keys at 9.

S made his way out for coffee and breakfast. I had him do the first few assignments out of my recent book then I got onto computer work and he his laptop. I went to the garage and FINALLY stain oiled the accent side table after the last of the hand sanding.

S went out to shovel the walk then helped me lift the latest table picked up onto my work table. I used the scraper and shop vac to get the craft paint all off.

For lunch S cooked bacon and I made us spinach salads to go with the toasted bacon and tomato sandwiches. Full on sun all day but only -27 when I ran the horses their beet pulp after eating.

I went out to the garage to start a new project; the big dresser was chosen. After removing hardware and cleaning inside and out I found the drawers all wanky. S came out from his rest in big brown to sort recyclables as they are overflowing again and he helped bend a couple drawer sliders too, thanks. I had to shim a couple drawers to fit best and shape the worst bent slide to get it working. 

The top drawer was gungy inside so once dry it was power sanded.

S took the dogs for a quick walk at 3:30 and -22 still feels very cold. They all headed back inside to get warm with H staying out with me patiently waiting for her supper. I started researching dewalt's hepa dust collector system but it is as pricey as the festool.

S chopped meat as I chopped onions and got the stroganoff cooking along with pasta. It was yummy and used up a few things. We ate while S watched hockey. B arrived before 7 to have her share and celebrate her renters moving in and passive income beginning. She also has 2 more work days. We visited for a bit then she and Cooper headed for the hills after 7:30. I went out and put a second stain oil coat on the table after a light sanding then back in to finish the blog then to bed to read.

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