Friday, February 3, 2023

Ranger stuck again!!

B's new place morning view 

The wind woke me at 5:30, I looked and saw it is warmed to -1. what a reprieve for the horses. We were up at 8 ready for the day. S was to have a call a 8:30 that was all mixed up with his lack of cell and our home have call control. Of course this required a pile more calls which was our morning. I booked massages, dental and eye appointments while he chatted then spent me with Bell again in hopes of getting his number set up but no luck.

After feeding the dog and cats I took off Bird's blanket and what a beauty day it was outside. Time for kitties to go out. Between calls S went and opened the barn door for them and took H for a walk to the gate to put mouse bait in the control box. I seems they have already tried to eat thru the new super thick duct tape the buggers. 

Kaylin officially announced her pregnancy so I can finally share!!

We had chili for lunch as the sunshine went away. More phone set up and other items were done. I had S help me put the leaf in the dining table as it needs 6 hands to do so. The butterfly leaf folds away under so needs to have each pedestal push together to secure with wooden dowels. This needs to be done while the full length top balances on top. Then of course I found the leaf is now darker then one side so will have to fix that.

lighting is hard but you can see in 2nd pic the lighter side

I then worked on marketing and tutorials while S went out to see if we needed the sports bags from closet purge. He then installed the new belt in the merc while I did more sanding on the accent table. He then jumped in the ranger looping to the gate then around the horse paddocks to the south. I watched as he came up the south fence line then stuck himself in a snow bank. This seems to be his weekly fun.

supervisors look on

buried it deep so had to dig it out

I went out to help him but while doing so Mom and Britt pulled into the yard at 4. Mom brought us fresh oysters she ordered, THANK YOU! Britt was picking me up to go check out the carpet shop  that closed at 5. S got his ranger out as B fed Bird and we stood visiting. Then at 4:30  Mom was off to help Dad with supper, B and I to the shop and S staying with dogs to put away his toys. At the carpet store B was quoted approx. $4/sq ft for her 640 sq ft and that does not count premium price for the stairs. This led to a stop at Canadian Tire to pick out 2 rug cleaners, a stop at Paetz's to pick up a melaluca cleaner then to 's to spray them on.

We left the stains to soak and headed to the ranch with a swing thru the A&W drive thru for burgers. S was at the island watching the all stars skills challenge. We ate then B and Coop headed home to use her new little cleaner to try the spots. She text sadly the stain remains, guess time to leave to the professional rug cleaner I booked for her.

S moved down to TV room for the hockey show and I did some more sanding and computer work. I also added a glass cloche over my baby tears that I planted the last branches in pot. After the skills ended we changed to go outside in the PLUS 2 temps but found a strong wind so changed our mind. The wind got even stronger and blew all night but stayed around plus 2 till early morning when it dropped to 0. S started to read but fell right asleep. I finished my current book then watched furniture tutorials on YouTube till almost 1 am.

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