Monday, January 30, 2023

Weather warming up

I woke at midnight to let H in garage and it was -11 which I bet was a welcome reprieve for the poor horses. It is the last Monday of January already, going fast and definitely not the way I had hoped 2023 would start out. After my coffee (yes today needs coffee) I got laundry on the go and computer work including publishing the wall art tutorial. After his coffee, breakfast and new peruse S headed out to do the very sad task of burying his favorite horse. It is a tough job to start with but this old boy would be the hardest for him I am sure. 

I ordered tickets for the Nickleback concert and a Roughnecks game then moved to vacuuming. S was back and shoveling the deck and sidewalks. After lunch I washed the hardwood floor as S read his book on the couch but was soon sound asleep. I continued sharing the new tutorial, a bit of accounting, laundry, plant watering and blog catch up. The sun popped out at lunch and temp up to -8. 

The table leaf finally got a coat of cappuccino stain oil after I made horse feed for 1 ;(. The house chores continued with a few random cupboards and drawers organized as I was getting things from them. I made H a frozen treat and a couple trays of pumpkin to freeze. After he woke, S finished reading the whole book. It is a small one called Make Your Bed ; advice from a navy seal. Laundry was folded and put away and more clothes sorted and boxed up to give to the outreach program. I painted my nails and toenails as the sun set at the island as S perused his laptop. 

We had sausage, perogies and veggies for supper then I worked on marketing hoping to get some traction. S watched AGT all stars as I listened along. B stopped out to feed Bird early and give the other 3 some too. They are all very quiet the last few days without their main man as are we. I finished up my work then went to read my book. S came to bed and was soon asleep but I read till 11:30.

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