Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday visitors

I woke at 8 to -1 perusing Instagram and playing a few brain games. I also was alerted to the mens valet selling on Etsy!! When S started to roust around 9 the snow squall rolled in. He made coffee and I tea after feeding H. S perused his online in bed then moved to big brown. I packaged up the valet and printed the shipping label, got the blog published, answered messages with a lady asking about the desk and other marketing. The snow did not last long but the ugly wind stayed.

B dropped Cooper off before noon, fed horses with Dave picking her up and off they went to paint. I added a coat of darker stain to half the table then went out and let horses out of pen and brought tubs in. S scrubbed the bathrooms up, what a helper!! BRRRR even at 0 out the wind bites but the sun peeked out around 1 as I was updating spreadsheets. 

first a paper bag sanding

then a coat on the right side and think it is done

S had a nap on the couch while I wrote a tutorial for the last plant pot makeover. This then has to be shared with paint company and on sites to get traction. I was doing this part when Mom and Dad arrived for a visit. 

We had a nice visit in the sunny great room. Snacks and tea were had and I cooked up a package of the mussels in their Xmas pack which Dad enjoyed as did the rest of us. We got him loaded up after 4 and Mom took him back for supper. I finished up my tutorial sharing and S did more online perusing and perhaps a bit more dozing. I cooked up short ribs for supper in the instapot but varied it quite allot by not using wine or some seasonings and adding leftover roasted veggies  nor did I shred it at the end to make the ragu but the ribs were sure tender and yummy.

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