Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Warranty work

After the usual start to the day I packaged up more H meals including tongue in the mix which made enough for 4 days this time. Marketing and computer work for me and perusing the internet for S. 

Finished up last nights leftovers for lunch as I gathered all my parcels and such to take to town and S chatted on the phone with a friend.

We were off to town before 1 tossing the trash as we passed the dump then S to hockey. I jumped in drivers seat to drop off a return parcel, pick up a stack of library books then to Paetz’s. Here is did warranty work on their growth ruler. It was one of my first ones and was done with a chalk paint I no longer use which had bleed thru from the pine knots. I touched up the knots with primer 2+ coats then moved to the dining table adding 2 coats of the water repellant top coat I did on our table with the roller. I had a couple coats of satin clear coat and 1 of this one but wanted to add a couple more just to add even more durability with their busy family. 

Craig popped out on a coffee break for a quick visit and made me a tasty espresso coffee. I put a couple paint touch up coats on the ruler then washed up brushes and was off after 3. I took a drive by back alley post that had a wooden high chair but was not there in time, rats! S was waiting when I arrived at the arena , tossed in his hockey bag and we set off to visit Dad.

Dad was walking around so we joined him. I kept a new hat out of the thrift store box and gave him and seeing it was from Sheldon he swapped his other out right away. It is too big but he seemed happy to have another hat in his possession. I also helped the nurse get his vitals while he sat patiently for that then on the move again. We said our good byes and set off to pick up Cooper but the key was not in its hiding spot.

Recyclables was next on the list then pick up the online grocery order and drop off thrift store treasures. It was then off to the ranch in the setting sun. Groceries were unloaded, H was fed then I got chili underway. 

B and Coop were out at usual time fed and on their way. S had his Flames game at 6 moving to TV room after eating. Once it was over we had a hot tub, rinse and reading. S started a new book Judges List but after a few chapters off to lala land.

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