Friday, January 20, 2023

6 coyotes & Sausage making day

I went to feed H after turning the kettle on for tea, we are trying to do the rest of the month of January dry so no coffee for me as I only drink with "creamer". I found the poor girl had puked so after feeding her I had to wash the stairs after cleaning up then shook out rungs and threw a load in the washer. I came in and looked out the BBQ deck door for H and saw a couple coyotes. I woke S to come look and saw 4 others out the office window!! He finally got his gun and housecoat on and took a couple shots. H who was watching them took off to the back door and was shell shocked for the rest of the morning.

S got his coffee going once back in, I had some toast and tea and he added a bagel. I was then back out to continue my tidy of the garage with touchups on the table top where my bleach whoops plagues me. S took H out with him to let the cats out then took the ranger to loop around where he had made some shots. I scrubbed the brass claw feet with comet and surprisingly they looked good (first time trying).

We hauled out all the sausage making supplies and brought the meat in to further thaw. Lunch was another bacon tomato sandwich with enough leftover from yesterday with the addition of avocado that was ripe and spinach. Then it was time to get busy with the sausage making process: grinding, mixing and adding spice. S says it is traditional to have beer when making sausage so our dry spell came to an end after 36 hours.

The gal stopped to pick up 2 mirrors I set outside at lunch mid sausage making. We then were on to stuffing and wrapping, writing and freezing. Cleanup followed with all complete before 4 pm with 27 packages and approx. 35 pounds made.

 We now needed a soak in the hot tub for while.

Supper was the remaining sausage meat formed into patties and BBQ while I air fried sweet potato fries. Salad and veggies too for a healthy tasty meal. I tapped the brass toe caps on the pedestal feet while S put the cats away. B arrived as we were doing so, she fed, grabbed some more roller supplies and was off for home. S had hockey going when I came back in to do marketing and blog catchup after trimming H toenails. I then was off to bed to finish The Four Winds book and start My Hygge Home.

sunset video

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