Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Water issue solved!!

I woke at 6 but did not want to get out of bed and wake H, outside temp says -27. She did however want out after 7 so while she was out I hustled down and saw no new water yeah then back up to let her in, text S who is going to get in touch with our water guy. I heard the furnace kick in then I fell back asleep till after 8:30. After answering a few texts - 1 from B hoping I might get Cooper today and the other to S having the guy arranged to come look I went and fed H and the cats. Then it was off to the furnace room where DAM!! there was way more water then last night. As I was moping the floor I felt it dripping and looked up to see it coming out of the humidifier. I shut off water to it! 

watch these too videos of what I saw

Back up to get tools after sending videos to the boss. I pulled off the tray full of water dumping mostly into a bucket and saw the drainage pipe clogged with calcification. I think this is the culprit!! I am guessing the furnace kicking in this am sent the water to humidifier and it has no were to go seeing hose plugged. The water was mopped up, soaked rugs were hauled to garage to wash once the hot water gets turned back on, buckets emptied, tray washed and put back in place sans filter. I also had a pot of coffee going as Shaina has calls today starting at 10 and had requested coffee by 9:30 :) I delivered a cup of coffee, refilled her water bottle and put tea tree oil in her diffuser she sets out. Then back to finish the furnace room water mopping.

The day was warming up having gotten to -20 mid morning. Snow lightly fell after 11 for a short while and just before noon the sun actually came out for a bit. I took Shaina her second coffee, fruit and hot oatmeal just before noon too. Guess this is her lunch brunch. I was eating the last of the sweet potatoes for my lunch when the egg lady dropped off 2-18 packs for $4! She says some were frozen in the past week, of course they were LOL. It was now warming up to -16, how balmy! LOL I finished writing a tutorial for the white cabinet and got yesterdays blog post finished too. Now to get to the animal care; kitty litter cleaned and horse feed soaking. The horses have been out and about today seeing it is much "nicer" then last few days. The sun did not stay out long and the soft snow started again at 1.

Time to get busy in the furnace room. I started with the games rack and spent the afternoon organizing, wiping and sorting. There was a break with the Harley alarm going off to alert me the  Hello Fresh arrived. There is no water coming out so things are hopefully contained. I threw the largest rug in the garage washing machine/dryer and did a load of towels seeing we went thru allot of hand towels over the last week. 

Looks like we could have a good time at a AV social if they still accept the drink tokens ;)

The center rack was up next finding a few treasures B was looking for like the little 2 cup coffee pot. Seeing I did not go to town and get Cooper I bundled up, mixed the feed, put H's coat on and she and I went out to feed Pepper and Bird. It was like herding burning cats trying to get just those two into the barn from the arena but once I did Bird would not eat. It is like she has not been in there 1000 times before. She did eat about 6 mouthfuls if I held the tub for her but after Pep finished I put them back out, cleaned some frozen poop in the arena then brought Bird's food back to the garage for B to feed later. Even at -16 H back legs froze up trying to chase the ball twice, inside we went.

Harley and the cats were fed next before I came in to write a tutorial for the purple jewelry box and get it published with a cold beer on the side. Of course then it has to be sent to paint company and posted on various sites. I also made a FB shop post for the damask magazine rack. It was then time to get cooking the first HF meal; farmhouse chicken. It was ok and finished just in time for Shaina to have about 5 minutes before her 6:30 call. I finished Emily in Paris while washing up the pots and pans. B and Coop arrived at 7, he hung out inside while she scooped some poop in the barn then they were off.

I did some marketing then headed to bed and watched This Is Us, it has been a long time since I watched this series. I saw on TV that the season currently airing is the final season so I have a bit to catch up with it seems. I even got to have some of my ice cream I missed last night. Princess requested her daily diet coke and it even came with a toffee tart; shhhh don't tell Sheldon, Britt or Kaylin.

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