Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Furnace room tidy continues

H wanted out at 1 am, I hear voices in roomies room and text to find she was watching Game of Thrones. It was -28 when I awoke to what I thought was Harley rustling around but indeed it was the covid kid getting a tea at 7:55. She plead her case as per the CDC suggestion omicron could be 5 days quarantine and 5 days masked. I said ok you can try it masked and lots of hand washing but I will be the delegator. She did have a mask on ;) 

Dang it, I woke with a headache and achy so took migraine pills and perused IG before getting up to make cappuccino after feeding H and the cats. I took out banana to thaw and did a bit of quick marketing. Dude was up to get cereal then back to her work in her office now. I bottled blueberry kombucha and made a new batch. I like to blend up the veggie scraps for H after I have blended the kombucha fruit. I checked the other HF bags to get all scraps and found the veggies had all froze in transit. BOO!

I made another cap and one for her delivering to her office with a side of frozen pepper. I then got started again on the furnace room tidy. My goodness we are blessed with stuff. I had a big box of wooden painted items and western stuff still from storage so went thru that and sorted it. Back upstairs I made the banana bread and popped in the oven then back to tidying.

the floor still is not completely dry but dont want to turn floor heat us as +24 down there already.

there was so much more then this!!

I heated up borscht compliments of Ma K for lunch break. Shaina had a customer drop her cash off at Britt’s under the mat, this had Shaina planning a trip out of the house, the first in a week. However she did not think to start her jeep nor plug it in having not been privy to the cold snap this last week and when she went to start it, it was DEAD. I had banana bread still cooking so she plugged it in and asked Sharon to pick it up for her seeing Britt was at work. 

She was back to calls so I delivered her soup and a kombucha to her office and got back to the furnace room sort. The pantry rack was complete now so on to more sorting and repacking. It has warmed to -23 but sunny so I bundled up (from my minimal wear in the super hot furnace room) and put Harleys coat on and we went to feed the horses and play some ball. 

Harley playing ball in -24 video

video view of my stinger

I hauled the wheelbarrow to the barn to load poop in and grabbed the hammer as feet were balled up. I banged pepper free and as I was going to swing at Switch’s she moved and the hammer hit my hand, YEEOUCH!! That ended that task and inside we went. Back to tidy tasks this time putting away the nativity set, angels and wreaths.

These angels were added to my Christmas angel box

And these few favorites I may find wall space for, will see.

Harley’s dog food was delivered just before 4. The headache required more drugs so I laid on my bed writing the blog in the last of the days sun while H paced hoping to get fed. This did not last long as I cant stay in bed when the sun is out. I am skipping cooking tonight and just went with coleslaw and gyoza. The drugs kicked in now, yeah! I delivered Shaina's tray with her favorite diet coke after her shower.

Time to get working on the blog, photos and videos were loaded for yesterday and published. I was working on it when B and Coop were out around 6:30 usual time. She brought Coop in after his poop then she went and scooped poop picking him up after 7 along with a toffee tart care package. I wrapped up my computer work and headed to soak in the tub then to relax in bed watching This Is Us. I did deliver a diet coke, banana bread and toffee tart to the roomie too. Looks like room service is coming to an end soon :)

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