Thursday, December 23, 2021

Cold sets in and snow

I awoke after 8 to Britts text wanting me to do shopping in town for her today if I went, sorry no plans to B. Shaina facetimed soon after to order a coffee and we chatted about this darn virus. It is all foggy and hoar frosty outside and -9. I fed H (who went out at 5:15 again) and put a pot of coffee on delivering S a tray outside her door with blueberries, cheese, coffee and orange juice. I wonder who might be my maid if I was to get this?? S slept in but did get up for coffee as I was chatting with Ma K. Marketing underway for me next. 

S found his truck dead again so ran to town to pick up some rapid tests, lunch and truck batteries while I bundled up and went to feed horses and put blankets on all except Roo. It was -9 but the wind made it seem brisker but it is going to bottom out over the next week. I called Dad to see how his week was going. S was back at noon with Opa, hot teas and the hardware for B's dresser. I dropped Shaina's at her door and we ate ours watching the news.

I put the hardware on the dresser and it looks great. S ran back to town as it seems in the last 365 days he has left my gift until today which seems to be his usual MO so not sure why I am surprised. Why he could not have got it when in earlier I dont know either. It started to actually snow around 1:30. After a quick tidy I tried to rest on the bed while watching my iPad but I get ants in my pants during the day and can't just laydown so back to computer to work on blog and tutorials.

S was home at 3 then into big brown for a nap. I returned to lay on the bed to finish Twentysomething season. I was taking Shaina cold coke zero when I got the text I won an Instagram giveaway; a grinch tree. Yeah my one and only win this festive season. The flower shop is in Calgary and depending on the test results tomorrow Kaylin may not be coming to join us so I had the tree delivered and gifted to her. As I was chatting with the store owner she said a big storm was happening in the city and sure enough not long after it blew in here causing a whiteout. Sheldon was up and charging the new batteries to put in later. The storm lasted about an hour but had now dropped to -15. We enjoyed a video chat with Deb and Chuck.

S started a fire as I made spaghetti for supper. I also made him a rum nogalizer which he very much enjoyed, have you tried one? Covid kid had her supper delivered. B was out bringing a load of groceries Shaina had ordered including a $13 bag of grapes! LOL We visited with her via facetime. B and Cooper were off by 8 leaving us to catch up on 2 Yellowstone.

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