Wednesday, December 1, 2021

SNOW on December 1st

I was awake at 8 expecting to hear H scratch at garage after she headed out there after her last pee break but it was Shaina who was up making breakfast while in her online meeting. She let H out then sent Lexi up soon after. I pulled a coat over my short housecoat and went to toss hay to the gingers and open the gate as he is now free to go back in big field and it was crazy how the plus 5 felt just fine on the bar legs. It is December first!! I let the cats out and back to feed the anxiously awaiting dogs their breakfast. 

I was letting them out and to my surprise the raw food van was here delivering our black Friday order. Oh goodness now where to put this 110 pounds of food. Good thing I am good at tetris; I got the paid food all in the 3 freezers and the now frozen deer rib bones in 2 coolers and set outside. This is the only time I am hoping for freezing temps to keep them frozen for the winter.

I then made a cappuccino, started laundry and got to marketing. Shaina was off to town before 11 to train Sharon and do calls from Britt's. I finished the chicken at lunch and threw the carcass in a pot to make soup seeing the day is now cooling off. While watching noon news I brewed up a new batch and bottled pomegranate blueberry kombucha then rejuvenated the sour dough starter. Snow started to lightly fall but was melting at first but started to accumulate mid afternoon. I did one of the last couple paint modules while watching it flutter down.

Time for a new project; a square wood trinket box. It had gooey glue on the inside lid perhaps from a mirror so scraped and got the rest off with my TKO. It was all cleaned then a coat of aubergine brushed on. While doing 2 costs of the paint and folding all the laundry I finished the series Clickbait. I went to start another paint module and decided to take the dogs for a quick walk before it got dark.

3 sets of prints in varying sizes

Harley was very excited to get outside (video)

A short video that on Instagram had music but the title blocked Harley LOL, don't walk and post at the same time :)

It was more of a poop eating tour for Lexi so once back to the house she went in the garage to dry off, I made the horse food and went to feed them. Once Bird was done and back in the paddock I left Pep to finish and went and fed Harley and brought the raw cat food and put them away along with Pepper. Now inside to feed Lexi, whew! Just the HF meal to make for Shaina and I but first a cold beer, work on the chicken soup and blog catch up while listening to the news.

I started the paint module stopping to make a HF meal for supper; shrimp alfredo with roasted salmon. I had finished the soup which worked out great when Britt and Cooper arrived before 6:30, she had a bowl. Shaina was running late and wanted to hit the gym on her way home but went longer then she planned. She met Britt on her way out of the yard stopping to give Pepper his bute just before 7.

 I had started eating seeing it was hot and ready and very tasty. I clear waxed the trinket box while she ate then I was back to the computer to finish the paint module as well as another. S headed to her room with Lexi at 8:30, I wrapped up my computer work and off to bed after 9 to watch a movie called Love Hard. It was a cute Christmas movie.

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