Saturday, December 18, 2021

High of -4!!! Cabinet nearly complete

Overcast and cold start at -15, brr. I perused Instagram before getting up to go feed H who was quiet in the garage. I did some marketing with a cappuccino then headed to the garage to ponder hardware for the cabinet and share with the customer. She wants me to decide but no gold, that helps I guess. I put a primer on the original pulls to paint black and see if they will go with the black knobs. She also wanted it distressed so that was next.

only 1 of these options is staying can you guess which one?

Britt was out before noon as I was working on the cabinet. The day started to warm up finally to -6. She had taken off blankets on her way by, mixed up the food I had soaked and went to feed taking the dogs. I finished distress sanding the cabinet and came in for some salad. B came in for a bowl of soup then was back out to catch Roo and do her feet. She finished up and headed home after 2 leaving Cooper till later tonight as she has her work Christmas party in the city; axe throwing.

It is now -4 and bet the horses think it is like summer after these last few days. Even J came out to complain. Back to the cabinet to grey wax it and give hardware another coat of primer. I was just finishing washing brushed when B popped out to bring Cooper's food and grab her ugly Christmas sweater before 4 and off to her party. She also brought me a tea, THANKS!

I was working on the blog when dogs wanted out and not long later I see J right in the middle of them like he is part of the pack :) I bundled up and took water and raw food out to put him and Stella to bed and seeing I was out took the dogs for a walk. They loved it to finally be out for a walk even if -6. Back inside they dried off and I wrote a Christmas email for my subscribers. Hopefully you are a subscriber and have feedback to share on it. I finished the last of the potato salad for my supper while doing so. Looks like I may have to cook tomorrow :)

Of course there is always the unsubs once I send out an email but right away I got a really nice reply from a subscriber that made my evening. I finished up my computer work then headed to soak in the tub with my iPad then into my cozy bed watching Goliath season 3 which is better with Dennis Quaid and Beau Bridges. The winds picked up again, -12 + wind chill brrr. Cooper and I were relaxing when Shaina arrived home at 10 with Britt following about 20 minutes alter to pick up Cooper who was reluctant to leave his cozy spot. B won a $100 gift card with her Christmas sweater!! I shut out the light leaving 2 episodes left in the season.

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