Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Bit more snow

I woke at 7:30 and heard Shaina up rustling in the kitchen at 7:45 before her meeting. I played some brain games before feeding H and making coffee. Marketing was up next, I wrote a Hometalk post for the green accent table. S had another sleep in day till 9:30 then up to get a coffee. He did scoot out quick to let cats out in the sunshine and it is already 0 and it was -3 when I got up.

Shaina was off to town around 10:30 again, S got dressed and headed out in the now plus 2 to look for Harley's missing jolly balls on the ranger. No luck finding it though. I worked on prepping the 2 ruler boards. Man the wood is crappy with warps, cups cracks and such. I picked the 2 best, filled cracks and sanded. I put the stain on the backside.

Shaina arrived after 12 as we were having lunch from town to join us to eat. She was then off to her office, S to the couch to rest and I went to flip boards and stain other side. The chinook winds started to blow hard and the temp went from 5 down to 3 as it clouded over. Britt arrived to feed horses and was off in short order once done. Leaving the boards to dry I came in and made kombucha and bottled a berry batch.

I got to work on marketing as well as writing a tutorial for the striped magnolia lazy susan. Sheldon woke from his nap and took H for a ride to get the mail. The weather really clouded over and with the wind it dropped to zero making the beauty starting day turn to crap. Snow started to come down at 4 making it even worse :( It lasted over an hour. S and I gave Harley a bath in the garage after she ate.

The hardware arrived but only the future dresser ones came not Britt's dresser

We ate leftovers then Shaina was off to shower, S to the couch me to put another coat of stain the ruler fronts finishing as Jacob arrived after 6:30. We visited with him till Shaina had her hair dry then he showered and they were off to town to get a sno-joe. Back in short order they were off to visit while S had moved to TV room after a soak in the tub. I crawled into bed after marketing to start a new series called Victoria which I ended up watching 3 episodes before lights out. Jacob was off to the city at 10.

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