Friday, September 3, 2021

Sunrise 2 days in a row

Busy day once I got on with the day. I did view another sunrise letting H out after 6 and back in after 6:30. Coffee was put on as I fed her breakfast around 8:30 and I had mine while getting marketing done. The tables had tops screwed back on and a 3rd coat of dark stain applied. S helped me remove the last desk foot before I stained the top of it and while I was at it all the sides too.

great way to see actual solid wood pieces.

S screwed holes in the door/tray and affixed the handles, THANKS. His am task was watering trees from the full water tanks. I divvied another succulent plant getting 6 plants from one. I planted some and the girls will take some. The noon news had breaking updates with masks required indoors starting tomorrow ;( and they are offering $100 to all unvaccinated people. Other rules are in place too but that sucks for those working indoors; Sheldon, Britt and Kaylin. 

After lunch S had his rest while I got back to organizing items to take to market. Rearranging the "store" to vacuum I had S help me carry 2 larger pieces up and out to the cargo trailer. He got back to his watering but was back in to help me move the white antique dresser down. I hauled in the 2 end tables to dry inside sans flies. I touched up the dresser top and a chair of course then caught up the blog with a cold beer. It seems hot as no wind and all sunshine but is only 20 at 3 pm, gorgeous day!!

I changed the hardware on the blue dresser, you like?

I published the wood/white dresser tutorial I wrote the other day and got the usual posts, emails and shares required. I created another Etsy sale this one 25% off selected items. While digging potato's I found an avocado seed had sprouted so potted it up to see if we can grow a tree.

Kaylin arrived after 3, we enjoyed a cold drink on the deck in the great sunshine. It is a beauty day, little wind and 24 degree sunshine. Then we enjoyed a delicious steak dinner with fresh potatoes I dug from garden and veggies. Yum yum! After supper Kaylin sugared me, THANK YOU, she also did Sheldon's back when she arrived. Hair removal by K at its finest!

Britt and Coop arrived at 7 and off to ride Bird. I loaded the end table in K's car for the lady to pick up and she was off for home after 7:30 with a loop thru town for a snojoe :) S and I along with Harley, Cooper and Stella went for a walk in the gorgeous evening.

B fed the 2 horses and sprayed for mozzies then off for home. I came in to do computer work and market some sales for the labor day weekend. I also created a pinterest pin for the dresser, check it out. S started a fire and cooked a couple hotdogs. He was in for a shower at 10 then to watch baseball. I moved to bed with my iPad.

these photos submitted by Sheldon and his fire pit crew

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