Thursday, September 16, 2021

Desk is complete

Another cool fall day ahead requiring coffee in bed. After feeding H I got to work marketing stopping to bottle and make a new water kefir batch. S ventured out to put tractor away but decided to mow lawn first seeing mower would be trapped once put away. I brought a wooden box in to milk paint for part of Steph's wedding gift. Mom had called to chat while waiting for Dad to finish lunch and when she went to pick him up found the cottage was in lockdown due to a staffer having covid, sheesh!

my sauerkraut about 12 hours old

I even turned the furnace on today. S was in for lunch and the news as I cooked up fresh zucchini to go with leftover meat sauce. He had his after lunch nap then back out to mow at 2. I worked on catching up the blog after putting a second coat of milk paint on the box. When it was dry I sanded inside and out smooth then applied silk screen stencils.

S was in after finishing his mowing as I was staging the desk some more. He had a rest then took H out for a walk now the wind settled a bit and it hit 16 out. I worked on writing a tutorial for the desk before clear coating the wood box after another sanding. Time to scrub all brushes while S sorted the recyclables and loaded up to take to town tomorrow. He also pumped water from our last 1/2" rain out of the water tubs.

We ate the leftovers from last night for supper then S hit the tub to soak his sore back then to the couch to rest. Vacuuming was underway as well as pantry tidying.

almost 24 hours and looking great, all under the brine now

B and Coop arrived at 7:30 as I was finishing up my vacuuming then on to mopping the main floor. That freshens things up as well as all bathroom rugs were washed or hung outside. She did her horse stuff then off. S was off to bed early to watch baseball and after I finished more marketing with my iPad alongside I too moved to bed to watch some more.

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