Saturday, September 4, 2021

Medicine Hat bound

Sunny Saturday started as usual but with a darn headache. Today we are heading to Medicine Hat to visit Dad and the Kuhn klan. I sent finished table pics to the buyer which she liked and arranged pickup (sadly not Monday as I hoped) for the 15th. I packed up food and dishes for Harley, kombucha and apples for Ma K and an overnight bag. Sheldon gave H a quick bath.

We loaded up H and on the road after 11 with a stop for fuel in Brooks. We arrived in the hat at 1:30 dropping Harley and the cooler off at Ma and Pa K’s before heading to Dad’s. We took him out to the gazebo to enjoy the sunshine and were joined by a couple C cottage residents Mom had met earlier in the week. Dad enjoyed a nap in the 28 sunshine. 

We left him to have his supper heading back to Ma and Pa’s for a cold beverage and snack. I walked H around their lovely grounds for a bathroom break.

We went back to Good Sams after 5 taking Harley to meet the residents. She was very happy to be a therapy dog. We enjoyed the gorgeous evening in the gazebo again. I took Dad back to the cottage at 7 in time for snack and some TV time. 

Back at riverside Ma and Pa were out for a walk so we tried walking the opposite way we thought they would go. Mom K met us along the river trail and showed us the new trail heading under the bridge before we made out way back to the house.

A lovely evening of visiting and delicious desserts rounded out the night with Candace popping over to join us. I watched some Blindspot before sleeping with the dreaded headache returning, boo.

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