Sunday, September 5, 2021

31 in the Hat

Harley was on guard at the condo letting out a couple barks to some ladies were walking outside and chatting around 6:30. S took her out for a walk enjoying the gorgeous grounds and watching the waterfalls start up. Coffee was on after 8 with H fed and visiting underway. We all headed out after 10 with Ma and Pa to church and us, including Harley offs to visit Dad. We stopped to wash the car on the way.

When we arrived at the cottage we planned to go for a walk with H and Dad but he was watching bull riding. It was crazy being held on an aircraft carrier. I asked Dad how they got the bulls on the carrier, “very carefully” was his reply LOL. S and H rested in the car while he and I (and Bob and Juicy) watched till 11. Leaving him to watch and have his 11:30 lunch, S and I drove to Tim's for an iced coffee and pumpkin muffin then driving thru downtown and taking H for a walk around there too.

Our next stop was Darren's to meet up with Ma and Pa and Candace for a visit. Harley tried her best to win over their 2 dogs but was not really successful. Papa led a drive thru a couple of the fancy housing areas nearby before we made our way back to Good Sam's. 

Berkeley putting the run on Harley was exactly the fun H was hoping for :)

Dad was waiting for us ready to set out on an adventure. We started with a walk around the main building. It was hot out at 30 degrees and no shade so once back at the cottage I suggested ice cream which Dad was all over. I helped him into the front seat, S kicked on the A/C and we were off. DQ was our stop where everyone enjoyed a yummy ice cream treat. Well everyone but H who was tuckered and resting in the back. 

We drove thru downtown looking at old places we all knew then drove down the beautiful 1st street. Seeing we were close to riverside we swung over and dropped Harley off with Grama and Papa. We drove back to the cottage where Dad and I went in to check on a few things then met Sheldon in the courtyard where he washed ice cream off his shirt. We visited in the sunshine this time as the 31 degree dried S's shirt. Dad got to ring the doorbell for the first time at his new "home" as we said our goodbye till next w/e.

Back at the townhouse we enjoyed a cold drink and a nice lasagna supper with Candace, Riley, Darren and Morgan joining us. After the meal and visiting we all headed for home after 7. We pulled into the ranch at 9:15 where Shaina was still unloading her Jeep having moved back home after her summer city penthouse. We had a visit before everyone headed to bed; some to watch Netflix, some to organize their room. Britt dropped Cooper off after 10 to stay while she and Dave went to Grady's river party.

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