Saturday, September 11, 2021

First Market in 2 years

Rain started to come down after 2 am and continued most of the night. Today is the first market in 2 years, of course I was awake early running thru all kinds of lists in my mind for the market and for the road trip after to Medicine Hat. I had packed a small overnight bed and Harleys food for tomorrow while she ate her breakfast. However she did not want out at 7 because of the rain nor was she keen to go out after eating. I took her out front as I was packing last few tubs but she knew I was leaving and refused to go. I had to leave her in her kennel and hope B would let her out later this morning. 

I was off to town before 9 and arrived at the soaking venue with rain coming down. The freshly painted jars and last of the rearranging was done before the 9:30 early birds were let in. Surprisingly there was allot of shoppers throughout the day but sadly I did not make any sales till at last 1 of the jars was bought late afternoon. It was disappointing for sure but hopefully the exposure will benefit down the road.

The rain continued all day till about 2 thankfully. By the time the market closed at 4 there was even some sunshine. Take down and packing out took a fraction of the set up time. Shaina arrived to help carry the 2 bigger pieces out and some boxes before she headed home to shower. I arrived back at the ranch before 5 where Britt was napping on the couch. B decided during the day she would stay home with the dogs, thanks B. She had spent the day out here after letting Harley out around noon. I popped a cold beer and made an egg sandwich. Amanda arrived before 5:30 followed closely by Kaylin. We all loaded up and were on the road east arriving in the Hat by 8.

Of course Grandma had loads of food for us, THANK YOU! which we followed up with a couple card games till after midnight when we called it a night.

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