Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Kefir and Turmeric health begins

Harley was barking at 4 am and upon opening the door to check what cause the kerfuffle wouldn't you know it, Pepper was ambling across the road. I was sure Shaina said she closed the yard gate and I had it hot so if just him I wasn't going to go out in the cool night and wake up. Instead I crawled back into bed after letting H back in from a pee but sleep was not to happen...or maybe I finally drifted only to hear Shaina making her first cappuccino at 5:40 for her early meeting. She confirmed the gate was hot and she had closed it. Then she was back an hour later for her second during a meeting break. I got up and put H in the garage as she had let her out but now she was hoping for breakfast. Not yet missy.

B dropped off Cooper before 8 kicking Pepper out; thank goodness she brought me a hot chai tea and carrot cake muffin after my crappy last 4 hours. THANK YOU! I got Harley fed early then she and Coop went for a romp. Shaina was back up after her meeting and made breakfast. She served me scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach and avocado on the side, yummy, THANK YOU! Turned into a delicious morning so far.

I worked on marketing as I am very behind on it. I hauled in the ironing board, staged it up then put the final clear coat on the top to let dry now all complete.

The day started sunny and nice but soon turned overcast and WINDY!! I fed & let the cats out and the only good thing was it was a warm 13 degree wind. Back inside I had a webinar at 10. While listening I wrote a tutorial for the green and gold chalkboard finally.

I got the dogs in after their second bout of playtime outside and gave them their treats in their kennel. I was then off to town at noon for a loop of errands. First stop was to grab some beer, an iced coffee then deliver 2 mason jar vases I sold.

The next stop was a bust as the lady did not leave out the plant pot as she said she would so off to the next stop to get my kefir grains. Have you heard or tried kefir? Dollar store was next where I found a plastic colander to use with the kefir grains - they react to metal apparently. I also grabbed some fake tulips for staging. Last stop was Walmart to get homo milk for the grains, I also grabbed a big plant pot but would need one inside to allow drainage.

Time to get back home grabbing mail on the way by. This is the last week we will have our mail box on route home as moving to the boxes south of us on the 19th ;( Back at the ranch at 1 I planned to leave the yard gate open but Pepper was moving this way as I pulled thru so I closed only to pull into the garage, unload and look out to see him in the yard. This bugger takes the wee jolt and for what, the yard grass? I let dogs out, went and shooed him out and filled the pet water bucket before getting back to computer work.

Shaina had gone to massage and was back at 2. I created an Etsy post for the green and gold blackboard and have more things I need to get posted. Our fridge is full, very blessed we are. I pulled out the big leftover turkey, cut off the full breast and put it in the freezer. The rest was cut into a container and all the bones added to the stock pot. Tomorrow I will make turkey soup. S showered etc then was off to the city at 4. Not long after the raw food van rolled in with this weeks delivery. I got it all put away in the freezer then took the yellow plastic ribbons they use to mark the bags tied on the yard hot wire. It is hard to see so this will make visible as tap is yellow and it reuses the tape. I hate wasting things :)

As much as I hate the wind the dogs need a walk and I need my steps so off we went along with Stella and J, Luna met us on our way back from the west fence saving herself allot of steps. I filled their water in the barn then scooped the horse poop Pepper deposited around the yard and some dog poop. The bonus to raw diet is smaller compact less frequency of poops in the yard! The sun popped out off and on and it reached 17 but the wind continued to howl.

Inside I dumped the kefir and added new milk and put it in the cupboard. How odd a feeling is that? Storing milk in a cupboard? Back to computer work to catch up the blog and work on tutorials and more Etsy posts. The beachy vases had more photos and a video taken then the sale post created. Stop by and give them a like if you will.

Then it was time for the dogs to be fed which then requires dishes to be done and prep for tomorrow. I was just finishing a Hometalk post for the black magazine rack when Britt arrived before 8. I had soaked food for her feeding plan that she let me add turmeric/pepper to for Pepper's bowl. She stopped at Costco after work and grabbed some turmeric for me. She took the tubs out to feed with the dogs tagging along. She put the cats away too before prepping a bucket for tomorrow then gathered Cooper's lunch bag and they were off for home by 8:30.

I continued with photo sorting and tutorial work while watching Away. After 10 I packed it in, washed my face and crawled into bed with the season finale of Away. I had asked Shaina to put up the lower hot wire strand when she gets home. This is what she saw when she pulled up to the gate at 11!! Dam that guy LOL

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