Wednesday, April 28, 2021

More trees go in

Cooper was dropped off to day care. Our mission today was to get more trees dug and brought home to plant. I went in with S after 9 to enjoy a coffee on the deck with Sharon while S dug 2 roses and 2 more spruce. It was a short visit as he had them out and loaded in short order and we were back at the ranch by 10:30. 

Here Sheldon is digging the spruce but see the willow behind him? That is one we are moving as well.

close up of tree damage on my white spruce

and a video of it

if you can ID what ails this tree, message me

the two rose bushes or should I say trees we planted in the island; front and back

We got them all planted with a couple staked and watering going on each. Lunch was left over steak and veggies and a cold beer, yummy! Part way thru the news S had a nap while I did the milk kefir early. Awake at one we headed back out to dig holes for 2 other trees we are now offered, one Stouts changed mind on keeping and a neighbors. Yikes the one spruce was tipped over in the wind! We staked them all on at least ne side and added more top soil to the 4 spruces and the 2 holes all ready to go. 

But not all staked and this is what happened after watering it and going in for lunch ;(

It much be dry when your tractor pops a wheelie trying to dig!

I continued cutting all the damaged ends off in between trees and stuffed a whole garbage bag

Since the tractor had the bucket on I had S lift me up to check the middle spruces top that was going brown. I cannot see any insect damage so trimmed off the competing leaders leaving one then back down to earth.

S headed back to town to get these 2 trees, gas and a jug of milk for me. I pruned the rose bushes I had watered in this am. The one sunk allot so will need to be lifted and more top soil added later. 

Once back we unloaded the 2 monster sized trees that had not much of a root ball. We got them in and staked. I pruned them as S got another top soil bucket. We were adding more stake lines to the trees when a fellow stopped to measure the decks for a quote on applying metal facia to the peeling stain. While S finished staking I ran in to feed dogs and soak horse feed quick.

Can anyone ID this tree? My plant ID app says a black hawthorn??

This one below I think is a fruit tree, it is ginormous! I checked with my plant id app and it says a pear so I was right... maybe.

Here is our new little forest. We need one more spruce tree for the grouping. Craig has a little one he is looking to rehome but it might go in another spot and a bigger one added here.

Britt arrived with Tims cold brew for us both for dog daycare fees, perfect for the warm but windy 18 degree day. She was off to feed horses and give Roo a special brush as it is her 4th birthday! S and I lifted the sinking rose, moved a bit north and filled the are with top soil to level.

S knee was done for the day so in we came. I made goulash for supper. B and Coop headed home to finish her vet tech specialty in equine veterinary nursing. We had a cold beer with oyster appetizer then eating late again. I had been moving the water on the two new trees but shut off after I went and put kitties away after 8. Time to soak in a hot tub. S was watching hockey but he jumped in to soak his knee at intermission then back to watch while I caught up the blog. Another busy tree planting day here at the ranch but if they live they will add allot more green to the ranch.

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