Friday, April 16, 2021

20 degrees out with no wind, just like summer

Sheldon kindly left to snore in the spare room but he was up at 4:45 to pee then stalking around the house and opening the front door looking for a ticking sound. The ruddy birds were chirping at 5:30 again before the sun was even up; how crazy. H slept in the garage last night so S let her out around 7:30 but she was not interested, she wanted breakfast ;) She was even whiney about it as we drank our coffee in bed so I went and fed the starving girl. I seem to be getting a cold ;( Shaina was up to make a cap then get on to her work day.

Dressed and ready for the day S let out the cats and was ripping around on the ranger filling it and the quad with gas. Uncle Jerry arrived around 9:30 dropping off his trailer here while he ran to the city. He also brought our little deepfreeze over from Oyen, THANKS!! They popped it in the dump trailer and he was off. The horses were in the yard seeing an open gate so we shooed them out, load H and headed to town.

S got his covid vaccine while H and I waited in the truck enjoying the sunshine. Our next stop was to drop off the deep freeze in B's garage. I also loaded up Cooper to take home for the day. A quick stop at Walmart looking for a couple things turned up not to be found but grabbed some corn on the cob for supper. I took out steaks so this will be a nice addition. We were back to the ranch before noon just in time for the news and lunch.

S wiping the oil drips on B's floor to monitor going forward

We all decided to head to the river for a walk seeing it was so beautiful at PLUS 20 and no wind. We loaded up Cooper and Harley with Shaina in the back seat and off we went. It was another beauty day to hit the river walk. Shaina had H while I took Coop and S was the beverage packer.

of course we had to stop at the playground :)

water video 

dogs had structured walk and free time too

Back at the house I published my vintage frame chalkboard tutorial. Shaina was back to finish up her days work and S to rest. Uncle Jerry was back to hook up his trailer and stopped for a visit on the deck with a round of ice waters. Supper was next up with barbequed minute steaks, corn on cob and fried rice. Corn was so so and steaks would not do that way again. They will make better stir fry or stroganoff. But it was nice to have supper with 2 of the girls (B arrived after work).

After supper B was off to work with Roo doing ground work. I cleaned out the horse trailer that keeps getting forgotten. S caught some baseball on TV while watering some trees. Shaina headed to town to workout at the gym as B and I were walking down the road with Roo and the dogs. B gave all the horses their dewormer while I caught the kitties and put them away for the night. What a beautiful night and day it was!

B headed home, I jumped in the shower before hitting the bed to watch my iPad. Shaina was home around 10, made a smoothie and delivered a glass for me too, thanks. S was already sleeping and missed out.

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