Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Lexi gets stitches out

Awake after 6 I laid in bed thinking; did the last person out put up lower hot wire? Was Pepper in the yard? Does the table need more touch ups? Why didn't I make muffins for coffee with Kaylin this am? Harley was quiet till about 7 then I let her out and to the garage. After playing a few games of cookie jam I decided to just get up. H got an early breakfast and I did work on the table. The wee ding was painted and sealed, the area addressed last night was clear coated as well as most of the top and a few more sanded/painted white areas. They are picking up tomorrow am so need to have all my areas made perfect.

Britt dropped off Cooper late at 8 as I was clear sponging the top. As per my thoughts Pepper was indeed in the yard LOL She shoed him out on her way to work. The dogs and I went and let cats out as today is a sunshiney day. S and I had a coffee as I did some marketing and him internet perusing. Kaylin and Lexi (who had her stitches out) stopped around 9:30 with a fresh batch of coffee brewing. S helped her finish her taxes over a couple coffees which helped her stress load. Lots to do as a new business owner but she is getting a good handle on it. Lexi's eye has healed up really good.

Horses were all happy to nap in the sunshine

They headed off before 11 as she works 12-8. Sheldon was off just ahead of her with the trash and to scope out the Stout's backyard project. I did more touchups on the dining chairs :) Being vintage and sanded on the areas of roughness there is always the chance that the tannins leech thru so anyplace that looks a bit yellow I am hitting with a sealer then more paint. I do however have almost every bit used but did not completely empty can until all the areas are quadruple checked.

S was back with Opa for lunch and some groceries, yum. After we ate S had a wee nap then we headed out to dig a few more tree holes seeing there were a couple more trees to be removed from Stouts yard. I planted the tulip bulbs from my Costco vase awhile back.

S scooped up the clay in the dump trailer, loaded some tools then back to town to take down the fence at 4. I went along to visit with Sharon on the deck and we helped him move the 3 sections of fence. A cold beer on the deck after was enjoyed before heading home at 6.

Back at the ranch Britt had just arrived, let out the dogs and was mixing the food I soaked. I fed the dogs, S made supper; his usual sausage and KD while watching the Flames. B joined us for supper then she and I went riding on a beauty night.

B was off for home, I did some computer work while S watched more hockey. I of course had to touch up more on the table having filled another ding area. This table set was well used but luckily it is solid wood. Then it was off to bed to watch a few videos while S fell right asleep. I wish I had that ability.

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