Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday 2021

Yeah everyone had a great sleep. I was up with H at 6:20 then put her in garage and not awake till 7:45. S had the greatest of sleeps getting coffee started as I was feeding H. We enjoyed a cup in bed to start our Good Friday! And what a beautiful day it is, sunny and no wind!!

It is cleaning day; laundry was started. all plants watered and vacuuming going. Dog bedding was taken out to air. I had S cut his deer bones to fit the crockpot I had going with marrow bones in the garage. I will make a pot of bone broth; another great nutritious addition to raw food. It is to simmer 24 hours. S noticed when outside a hunk of the stucco must have come loose, caught in the wind and needed repair. Luckily I had a new tube of silicone he used to glue it down. While it was out he also glued on the center metal piece between French doors on the deck that was banging in the storm and I removed.

dried a few days later below

He then had a nap after these tasks after 11 as B and Coop arrived. She made food (I ground more flax) watered and harrowed the arena and washed tubs. The wind had now picked up ;(

Leftover lunch for S and I then I headed out and he to town to get the proper door sweet and pick up some offal at the butchers I had ready. He hoped to drop off taxes but they were closed and he had no luck finding the right door sweep for the front door; Old one went back on.

B and I caught our horses, groomed (Switch had her bridle path trimmed) and rode. Once back from town S  cleaned off the saw then jumped in the skid steer to grade our road then head over to Matt's. I came in to do my paint order for April form Dixie Belle, they have new transfers and rice paper! Britt trimmed Pepper and putzed around the barn. I also got Harley's food order in. Good timing as there was a cut offs sale. Got to save where you can with a bigger dog.

B ran to town to get groceries and wash her car leaving Coop to play. S was back after 3:30 cracked a beer and sat in the sun to drink it. Inside we folded clothes and put away then he hit big brown. I noticed horses in so went to check in salt tubs had dried out, no luck so just fed them out of the bucket quick. I requested S help to unbolt them from the shelter to drain and clean out. He headed back to rest in big brown. Garage laundry was finished up then H was fed.

Time to prep our own supper. I made steelhead, rice and peas; a family favorite, Britt arrived just in time to eat then when done was headed back home with Cooper. The wind finally let up and it was a lovely night. Shaina shared a sleep round table video Body Smart had while S watched the hockey game. He moved down to the big TV. Shaina was then off to get ready to head into the city to celebrate their friends 30th bday. I went and put kitties away before 8 then jumped in the shower. I was just catching up the blog when Shaina headed out the door after 8:30 to the city.

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