Friday, April 23, 2021

Birthdays supper celebration

It was like a baby sleeping thru the night for the first time; I kept waking to hear her. Eventually I went out at 7 to find her relaxing on the step to let her out to do her biz then back in before feeding her an hour later. She and I then went and let the kitties out as today looks ok, sunny but brisk so far. I did the usual marketing with my caps. Then staged the cabinet again.

Snow squalls started at 11:30 and continued off and on all day; again no accumulation. Of course it was lightly snowing when the gal picked up her cabinet at noon. I then got my water kefir bottled in my new bottles after scrubbing them and flavored it lemon ginger. A new batch was made and all set aside to ferment again.

Leftover lunch while watching the news. Shaina popped up and heated the leftover sausage quinoa just before her 1 pm call. I wrote the dining set tutorial then shared on sites and sent to sponsors. The Dixie Belle email takes awhile as all items used need to be listed and photos and videos but it is worth it I guess. All snow stopped a a bit of sun pushed thru the clouds mid afternoon. Shaina headed to town around 3:30 to the gym, grab groceries for the birthday supper, drop off my Etsy parcel finally and leave a box of hello fresh ice packs at the gate a fellow was picking up.

I made the horse food then went out to take Bird's blanket off. While doing so I static shocked Switch not once but twice, poor girl. H got a short walk and I did a poop scoop loop then inside. I made a pan of puffed wheat squares for the birthday supper.

Thank K for this lovely gift and the caring card xoxoxo

I was working on tutorials when Kaylin, Devon and the dogs arrived around 5. We visited until Shaina was back with her groceries and started prepping supper. She made us all shrimp tacos and very tasty at that. THANK YOU!!!

Britt and Cooper arrived after she was home from work. Lexi got her cytopoint shot for her itchy allergies, thanks nurse B.

and her eye is healing well but the left eye is starting to get a bit more cloudy ;( K has made an appointment to go back to the ophthalmologist early May.

After a delicious meal and dessert we played cards.

Kaylin and her crew loaded up and headed home before 10. I put the cats away and gave offal. Britt and Coop headed home not long after then Shaina hit the tub. Thanks for the great evening girls!! XOXO

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