Friday, January 3, 2020

Silverware chest complete

Bright sunny yet chilly day today, perfect for my morning caps and marketing. Then it was time to get the silverware chest lined. Of course in typical style I had it completed only to find the raised cardboard edge to tight a fit so it had to be removed, cut down and redone but I had it complete in time to head to town for my noon acupuncture appointment.

After my acupuncture I grabbed a chai tea and chicken souvlaki and jetted for home. My paint parcel was at the gate which was perfect timing. As I was eating my lunch the Fedex driver pulled up to my front door to deliver Lola's food. I love Fedex courier the best ;)

Then it was a quick jaunt out to give the two their pills as they were in sunning themselves at the shelter. I mixed up some new milk paint then opened my paint parcel, WOW it was a doozy!

The table was milk painted up and left to dry.

I hauled the magazine rack inside to paint while watching Ellen but it was repeat so I watched YOU while doing so as well as cooking bacon for my sandwich supper. After the magazine rack was painted I left it to dry and headed to my cozy bed to finish the season of YOU. I also caught up on this week's Shameless episode. It was -8 for most of the day but late afternoon it started to warm and by after supper the chinook winds started to pick up hitting PLUS 6 overnight!

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