Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Little A is back

It was another foggy start to the day as coffee was put on. Sheldon, Ma and Pa K had toast before they jetted off to the city after 8. I rousted Shaina with a cappuccino before 9. She loaded up as well as gave the horses their pills. The wind and snow picked up as Shaina left for her 2 clients just before 9:30.

I finished the Fantastic Beasts as I caught up on the blog. Amanda dropped Aislyn off before 10:30 as Archer is back at gymnastics trying Wednesday this session. They will go to Costco after too. She and I played for two hours before rocking her to sleep.

we are playing catch

then she tells stories about her mining days ;)

The Calgary crew was back just before 1 bringing me a hot chai tea and timbits, THANK YOU!! A quick bathroom break and they set off east for home and S to big brown to catch some zzzz's.

Aislyn woke before 2:30 (S just a bit earlier LOL) just in time as Amanda and Archer arrived a bit later. After a quick visit they were off swinging by Britt's to put her parcel in her house that was delivered.

S and I headed to the TV room to watch some movies seeing it was a brr day but ended up trouble shooting ipad and account issues before finally settling on starting The Witcher. I walked for the first episode to try and catch Shaina who has had a busy training day and that I did and passed her and ended up winning the daily challenge.

Cooking up a super yummy butter chicken supper was next order of business. After eating we caught up on our Viking episodes then me some Netflix. S is trying to finish the Irishman but always falls asleep trying to.

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