Thursday, January 30, 2020

Big parcel to the post office

The wind was gone when I woke, yeah. The day was around zero and overcast with some sunny times.

I checked on Bandit mid morning cleaning out the poop, filling food and hay then hauling a bucket of water but he is not pleased to be away from the herd and spent most of his time pacing with the shavings all around the edges.

I finished packing up the orders, printing labels, writing thank you cards and getting them loaded up in the car to run to town. I was going to run them in at 11:30 but as I back the car out, all the horses were at the gate so I let them in and led them around to the paddocks. I put Pepper in the one behind the barn and tossed hay from the 1/2 bale S left at the gate that  blew everywhere last night. I put some in the other with the girls then let Bandit out. He was happy to roll and be near the group. It is plus 3 out now.

Then I headed to town shutting the girls main gate too. The parcels were dropped at the post office and one picked up then it was back home swinging thru Tim's to grab lunch and a tea. Back at the ranch it was book keeping and marketing.

B was home from work on a sick day and popped out at 3:30 quick to get shoes for her w/e outfit. She checked on Bandit while here too. I finally got a chance to open my parcels that arrived, holy crap I won't ever need wood filler. Anyone needing some?? ;)

My new boots fit comfy. It is good to buy things from companies that guarantee they will not come apart. These are replacement Bogs.

And the new fry pans.. well the small one is too small and had a chip so going back but the other two might work well. They sure are pretty!

Seeing we are leaving early in the am to get Britt to the airport I know I wont have time to feed the fellows so after 9 I headed out to toss them more hay. It did seem fruitless as the wind is blowing it all around after picking up after supper and they forecast it will get stronger again ;( It is back to zero but the snow is softer after the above 0 temps for a bit today.

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