Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Even colder day

Today is an even colder day starting at -35 no wind at 8:30. The poor frost covered horses were now in the closest shelter trying to absorb the sun. I took my time perusing Instagram before getting up to make cappuccinos. Lola only went out for a short for her patrol too on my assistance but as I started working on the vanity she begged to go out again. What a dog.

Before running the dishwasher for the day I gave the cappuccino machine a good cleaning running vinegar thru the system and cleaning all the pieces in the dishwasher load. Forgot to do it when I did the coffee machine but now both are ready for 2020.

I did my first live 2020 Facebook video while I was prepping and repairing then seeing the horses were back in at 1 I jumped in the covies and headed out to give pills and today treat them to some oats. This had them all very happy and quiet for a short time. Roo of course finished first so I needed to distract her from getting the others as they finished up.

Back inside I finished the last of the butternut soup while answering some potential sales messages. And I had a couple pizzelles, the trouble with making them is I cannot stop eating them until they are gone. I need to actually put in a lock box ;) Then it was back to the garage to continue projects. The table was stained the first coat.

the table has been refinished but the sanding swirl marks they left have me worried ;(

The vanity more filling and sanding as well I got out a growth ruler board, sanded and filled holes on it.

For supper I cooked up chicken breasts and baked potato with a most scrumptious salad. So healthy right?

After I worked on a tutorial for the turquoise magazine rack. I took a break to let Lola out who was off on her patrol for over half an hour. While she did this I painted the back of the growth ruler, fixed a drawer on the vanity and other odds and ends. Once I got her back in I was able to finish the tutorial while watching 100% Hotter while doing so then off to bed at 10 to watch another before shutting off the lights.

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