Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Trimmed 5 horses out of 6

Up at 8 to get marketing underway.  I also started the growth ruler hand painting in white. The chair buyer planned to pick it up between 9-10 so I was dressed for the day early too. She of course did not arrive till almost 10 after a reminder text. In the end she did not take the bed frame she had called a week ago but did get the chair loaded and off.

Sharon gave me a leather scrap for my cutting board, perfect

I finished the growth ruler with two coats of white, signed and sanded and it is ready to go too.

Back to the garage, I am not loving the pink drawer fronts. I started more hand painting of the grooves but stopped. They are too opaque and bright for the white stained look body so I got the power sander out and tested sanding down the front of one again. Yes I like it better.

Then I made a white wash and wiped it over the sanded down front and that seems better. Now to sand down all the front with the power and hand sanding. Oh the hours this dresser has taken. Next I white washed the fronts, much better. When dry I sanded yet again and touched up the hardware. The top 3 drawers were rebuilt, the hardware put on and I am so much happier with it.

items all ready to go

I was just finishing up when Britt and Cooper arrived at 4. She helped me move the navy sideboard inside then we headed out to do horse things. We started with trimming Daisy and Roo, then Switch and Pepper as well as Bird. The only one we did not do was KD but soon. Thanks to B for helping rasp some smooth and working on Bird mostly herself. That helps.

Max stopped to pick up his Mother's Day tub tray (above R), thank you! Then we tacked up and rode as it was now 7. While we were riding the egg lady arrived, she dropped them off on the step to save scrambled eggs from happening. Good thing as there was a parcel at the gate that had Bird up in arms with flapping plastic. Switch was cautious but we did go retrieve it and head for home. There was a bit of apprehension and a spook that sent Switch and I barreling off, Bird reacting and the rest of the herd ripping around. B did get off and let Bird adjust to it a bit before we continued home where she was able to get her totally ok with the box and bag.

Untacked and grazing for miss Switch while B fed Bird and I went in to cook supper quick. It was now after 8 but soon I had goulash made, B and I ate and by 9 she and Cooper were loaded up along with the large chalkboard (shown above) I had sold to a gal from Airdrie who will pick up tomorrow. Thanks B!

This day calls for a hot soak in the tub. I started a new Netflix series called Dead to Me and ended up watching 4 episodes before shutting out the light.

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