Friday, May 17, 2019


I awoke to the sound of snoring and rain dripping at 7 but managed to drift on and off till 8. I perused IG till the prince woke and made coffee. It is not raining hard but we are getting a bit which is so welcome. I let Lola out knowing she would spend the day as a mud ball. Of course it is Friday so I scurried around to move things and put up chairs for Rosie's sweep however yet again she proved her uselessness. Part of the time she went in circles, part she bypassed the electronic barriers to suck up the carpet fibers and part was just random cleaning. She is going back I believe.

I went out and started the dining table base with a coat of white paint. The top was sanded and given a coat of flat poly. S ventured to the shop to start a shelf tidy challenge after spreading grass seed seeing it has rain to hold it down.

After the yummy fruit salad lunch S was napping in big brown while I wrote a blog post for the tub trays with a cappuccino while a bit more rain drizzled down. S headed back to the shop before 2 and I went back to my workshop. The table base was painted another coat of white, the top another clear coat and I embossed 3 new faux tin tiles that S cut for me after I sanded and wiped them.

He bombed around the ranch in the ranger moving the solar charger to the paddocks and fixing a few fence issues. I walked out and gave the horses supplements and lettuce trimmings and buried some compost before heading back inside. He was in soon after too. The high was 5 today, brrr.

I had a roast in for supper so prepped potatoes and peas to go with it and gravy once cooked. While the potatoes cooked I jumped in the shower and got ready to go to celebrate Ada's 6th bday cake. We ate early for us before 6, yummy. The Paetz family however had a change of plans, C was taking the older kids to the movie in town at 7:30 so were going to have cake right away. Poor Amanda caught the babies illness and was feeling crappy so we opted to try for another night when not a rush to get out the door and all are feeling well. Happy cake day little miss!! XOXO

S was ok missing out on cake as he was able to watch the hockey game in his TV room in big brown #2!! I worked on blog posts then went out and painted the tiles a solid coat of cream paint before crawling into bed to watch YouTube around 10:30. Rain totalled about 1/10th ;)

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