Monday, May 13, 2019

Prjojects started and 2 girls staying the night

The morning started out looking like rain may come but soon the sun was out. A cappuccino and marketing before getting started on a frame for Krista S's shower next Monday. I scrubbed it up and went with grey paint as per Sharon's info. I also found a few more certificate frame and got them cleaned up to add to the winners wall and posted looking for more frames. I finished writing my faux tin tile tutorial and got it live.

Then it was on to the table I scrubbed up a few days ago. I stripped the top and then once dry tried my new sponge sandpaper. It felt like the sander was floating on clouds but it did not get the residual finish off. I switched back to old school and got it all sanded smooth.

Lunch was a yummy smoothie and a skiff of beef and broccoli left from last night. Seeing it was so nice out I had to get out and water my planters and flower beds. I too the supplements out to the horses and closed gates locking black girls in barn paddock and rest in closest paddock and moved Pepper to the far paddock. He was quite pleased to be put in there even if by himself.

first flowers of the year!!

At 3 I got shorts on and sunscreen, the quad with the trailer and set off in the closest paddock to scoop rocks and poop. I filled the trailer twice before the clouds rolled in and I shut it down at 5. In case it rained I hooked up the horse trailer before coming inside to get a bite to eat. The solar guy stopped to do some repairs while I was picking rock.

 look at that clean swath behind me

Time to get caught up on blogs and marketing for a bit before Britt arrives to load horses and dogs and take them to Murray. I was loading Bird when B pulled in close to 7:30. She caught Roo quick as I loaded Lola and Cooper and we were off. We took only about a half hour at the actual appointment with all fixed up and back home by 8:30.

poor B had her first work related injury today when a brood mare bit her thru 3 layers on her forearm, ouch!

Jacob took this picture on our ride last night, how nice!

Shaina did not arrive till 10 as I was shutting out all lights after my computer work and B and Cooper were in bed.  She was getting me set up with a new fitness app when Sheldon made it home from the north at his usual 11. She loaded his program and all were off to bed soon after.

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