Friday, May 24, 2019

More rain

I put a pot of coffee on before 8 and let Lola out as Candace was prepping for the day. Not long and Papa joined us. Healthy toast with PB&J on the menu with Grama joining us not long after. They left after 9 for the funeral and I did a bit of marketing.

Then it was time to finish the 2 end tables. They were cleaned up on the underside, put back together and black waxed. After a bowl of soup I hauled them in then back out to stage then back in. Getting my steps in you know ;) Laundry is in full swing as is Rosie today too.

It was a sunny on and off kinda day; I went out to move the truck trailer and water system to the poplar/ash row, hand picked this perennial that spreads like a weed and I am trying to eradicate, hand picked a pile of dandelions for Switch, pruned the rose bush and got water on the front and back flower beds.

I am so excited to see these blossoms and hope the dark rain clouds unload

Back inside it was remake the spare room bed upstairs after Rosie did the floor and continue with laundry. The Kuhn crew was back before 3:30 to visit over a cold brew. About an hour later Ma and Pa loaded up and headed east. Candace stayed and visited for another hour before she set off. A few drops of rain came down after 5 but started when she headed off at 5:30, yeah rain!! I kept the laundry going, did some marketing and cooked me up some veggies for supper.

I thought the rain let up as 7 as the horses had come out of their shelters but as I headed out to give the supplements it stated up again. That is just fine, bring it on. I came back in , made a cappuccino and wrote a blog post for the pink and white dresser.

double rainbow again

I checked Matt's system and it says 2/10ths so far in last 24 hours. That is great!

Love my home grown tulips

I started a new Netflix series called What If, I watched almost 3 episodes before calling it a night.

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