Tuesday, December 18, 2018

toffee tart fest

I woke early and even took in the sunrise. Pictures did not do it justice so I just watched. An Etsy sale greeted me on the computer!! I got it all packed up and labeled and ready to go.

Garage projects had some attention before Britt and Cooper pulled in at 11. She brought a tea for me, THANKS B. We caught Bird, Roo, Switch and Daisy and I trimmed them all. B gave them wormer and worked with Roo to wear off some energy before her trim. She put Roo and Brid back in the pasture and was off to a dental cleaning just after 12 and drop off the Etsy parcel for me. I finished Switch and Daisy's feet, let them go then swept up the barn getting in at 1.

Cleaning 2 of the main floor bathrooms were the next chore on my list. B was back at 1:30 so we went out so she could give Pepper and KD their wormer and I try the new horse boots I picked up on Switch, dang too small.

 Pepper does not like dewormer
KD shows how she feels about it as well

We made grilled cheese for a late lunch. B headed back to town at 2:30 for another appointment as well as pick up a present for me. I worked on the frame sanding again after more paint and clear waxing it.

 dry run of the vinyl

B was back not long before Kaylin and her friend Kyle arrived for tart making night around 4:30. I had all the gear out for our production line so we all got started. Amanda and Ada joined us before 6. We had some difficulties with  the shells holding together and getting them out in once piece but in the end we had 208 successful ones and a plate full of semi broke drizzled ones and a bowl of sample pieces.

 Ada is not impressed as she wanted to press the hot tarts herself, not with her mothers help

Great help makes things go faster. Everyone boxed up their share and were off at 9. Thanks everyone for your hard work, extra thanks to Miss Ada for her exemplary dish washing duties!

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