Saturday, December 22, 2018

cookie making day with my helper

Woke up to sunshine and another Etsy sale!! The ombre pepper grinder was boxed all up labelled and updated on all sites it was sold and on its way to Toronto

I staged the jewelry box up

I was off to town at noon stopping to pick up my little helper Ada. She has been eager to come wash dishes and tidy the toy closet ;) She and I dropped off the package at the post office then off to Walmart to get a few last minute things before heading home.

Back home she fed Lola her food quick then immediately got the toy closet arranged in just a few minutes in the house as I unpacked. We then got started on our first kind of cookies, my favorite gingersnaps. Britt and Cooper arrived for the weekend soon after we did. My little helper washed the dishes after flattening ang sprinkling sugar on the snaps. I then whipped up a new one I enjoyed from Tash's goody tin, a sour cream cookie. Helper works for candy, cookies, fruit, yogurt and more candy. She also fluffs pillows and helps make beds LOL

B ran to town before 5 for last minute errands but Ada preferred to wait for Craig to pick her up. She and I snuggled up on the couch and started Spirit until he arrived.

B had brought her last Hello Fresh meal, Alabama pork chops. Of course she wanted me to cook it and I was happy to be a "chef" again. It was a good meal, a bit vinegary/mustardy for us both but still good.

After the yummy supper B was off to work on presents while I wrote the white hook blog post. I also finished season 6 Wentworth while typing. I started Sabrina as per Britt's suggestion.

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